
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
L. Papp2005Some acalyptrate flies (Diptera) from Taiwan
C. W. Johnson1910Some additions to the Dipteran fauna of New England
G. F. Knowlton, Thomas W. L.1934Some Cache Valley Utah insects
L. Papp1978Some cavernicolous Diptera of the Geneva Museum
J. C. Deeming1985Some Diptera from Bardsey
F. R. Cole1912Some Diptera of Laguna Beach
D. J. Lewis1958Some Diptera of medical interest in the Sudan Republic
M. Carles-Tolrá, C. Castro Pe2011Some dipterans collected on pig carcasses in Portugal (Diptera: Carnidae, Heleomyzidae, Lauxaniidae and Sphaeroceridae)
L. Lyneborg1969Some Micropezidae, Psilidae, Platystomidae, Otitidae, Pallopteridae, Odiniidae, Aulacigasteridae, Asteiidae and Milichiidae collected in Southern Spain, with descriptions of six new species
J. C. Deeming, Báez M.1985Some Milichiidae (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha) from the Canary Islands
O. H. Swezey1946Some miscellaneous diptera of Guam. Insects of Guam II
J. C. Deeming1981Some new African Milichiidae (Diptera: Cyclorrapha) having pronounced sexual dimorphism of the frons
E. S. Tucker1907Some results of desultory collecting of insects in Kansas and Colorado
J. E. Collin1930Some species of the genus Meoneura (Diptera)
P. G. Strobl1906Spanische Dipteren II
P. G. Strobl1900Spanische Dipteren, IX
L. Czerny, Strobl P. G.1909Spanische Dipteren. III. Beitrag
P. G. Strobl1899Spanische Dipteren. VI. Theil
P. G. Strobl1900Spanische Dipteren. VIII
L. Papp1999Species of 22 Diptera families of the Aggtelek National Park
L. Papp1978Species of nine acalyptrate fly families from Tunisia
J. Zuska, Laštovka P.1969Species-composition of the dipterous fauna in various types of food-processing plants in Czechoslovakia
M. Chvála, Götze J.2004Species-group names of Diptera described by Gabriel Strobl
E. Séguy1932Spedizione scientifica all'oasi di Cufra (Marzo-Luglio 1931). Insectes diptères
J. Schnabl1881Spis Owadów dwuskrzydlych (Diptera) zebranych w Królestwie Polskiem i Gubernii Minskiéj
I. Lopez-Rull, Gil, M., Gil, D.2007Spots in starling Sturnus unicolor eggs are good indicators of ectoparasite load by Carnus hemapterus (Diptera : Carnidae)
M. Bezzi1918Studi sulla Ditterofauna nivale delle Alpi italiane
J. C. H. de Meijere1914Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren. IX
J. C. H. de Meijere1911Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren. VI
J. C. H. de Meijere1916Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren. XI. (Java)
J. C. H. de Meijere1918Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren. XIV
P. Ardö1957Studies in the marine shore dune ecosystem with special reference to the dipterous fauna
M. D. Coffey1966Studies on the association of flies (Diptera) with dung in southeastern Washington
M. Kato, Hori K.1952Studies on the associative ecology of insects. VI. Larval association of flies during the summer in Sendai and its vicinity, Japan
P. A. Latreille1829Suite et findes insectes
C. S. Brimley1942Supplement to insects of North Carolina
H. C. Hallock, Parker L. B.1926Supplement to Smith's 1909 Diptera List
J. Krištofík1988Synanthropic Flies (Diptera) of the North-South Road System in Slovakia
M. A. Calero-Torralbo, Valera F.2008Synchronization of host-parasite cycles by means of diapause: host influence and parasite response to involuntary host shifting
J. B. Beavers, McGovern, T. P., Beroza, M., Sutton,1972Synthetic attractants for some dipteran species
K. Brochu, Wheeler T. A.2009Systematics and ecology of the Nearctic species of Neophyllomyza (Diptera: Milichiidae)
W. Hennig1936Systematisch-tiergeographische Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Tethiniden
O. DallaTorre1918Systematisches Verzeichnis der Dipteren Tirols
F. Rossi1848Systematisches Verzeichniss der zweiflügelichten Insecten (Diptera) des Erzherzogthumes Österreich mit Angabe des Standortes, der Flugzeit und einigen andern physiologischen Bemerkungen
F. Hendel1935Séguy, E. Diptères (Brachycères)
G. D. Lloyd, Philip C. B.1966The "wingless" fly, Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch (Milichiidae), on hawk fledglings in Northern Utah
R. L. Taylor1928The arthropod fauna of Coniferous Leaders weeviled by Pissodes strobi (Peck.)
D. Lee, Crust, M., Sabrosky, C. W.1956The Australasian Diptera of J. R. Malloch
F. J. Santána1961The biology of immature Diptera associated with bacterial decay in the giant saguaro cactus (Cereus giganteus, Engelmann)
V. Beschovski1975The Black Sea coast inundated by waves and its dipterous fauna (Diptera - Brachycera)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith