
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
von Roser1840Erster Nachtrag zu dem im Jahre 1834 bekannt gemachten Verzeichnisse in Württemberg vorkommender zweiflügeliger Insekten
C. W. Sabrosky1996Two additional species of Notaulacella Enderlein (Diptera: Chloropidae) from Panama
C. W. Sabrosky1990A new African species of Pseudogaurax with a key to the afrotropical species of the genus (Diptera: Chloropidae)
C. W. Sabrosky1990New synonymy and new species in Neotropical Chloropidae (Diptera)
C. W. Sabrosky1987A new species of Leptometopa (Diptera, Milichiidae) from Madagascar pollinating Ceropegia (Asclepiadaceae)
C. W. Sabrosky1983A Synopsis of the world species of Desmometopa Loew (Diptera, Milichiidae)
C. W. Sabrosky1982Una nueva especie de Eusiphona de la Republica Argentina
C. W. Sabrosky1979Faune entomologique de l'archipel des Comores
C. W. Sabrosky1976A new genus and two new species of Chloropidae from Hawaii (Diptera)
C. W. Sabrosky1974Eugaurax setigena (Diptera: Chloropidae), a new stem miner in water hyacinth
C. W. Sabrosky1972A synopsis of the genus Eutropha Loew, with a new African species (Diptera, Chloropidae)
C. W. Sabrosky1967Two new and economically significant Chloropidae, with the description of a new genus (Diptera)
C. W. Sabrosky1965East African Milichiidae and Chloropidae (Diptera)
C. W. Sabrosky1964Milichiidae and Chloropidae (Diptera) from the Batu Caves, Malaya
C. W. Sabrosky1963A new acalyptrate fly from the Tertiary Amber of Mexico (Diptera: Milichiidae)
C. W. Sabrosky1961Three new Nearctic acalyptrate Diptera
C. W. Sabrosky1959A revision of the genus Pholeomyia in North America (Diptera: Milichiidae)
C. W. Sabrosky1959The Nearctic species of the filth fly genus Meoneura (Diptera, Milichiidae)
C. W. Sabrosky1958East African Milichiidae (Diptera). (Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zoologischen Ostafrika-Expedition 1951/52, Gruppe Lindner - Stuttgart, Nr. 32)
C. W. Sabrosky1958New species and notes on North American acalyptrate Diptera
C. W. Sabrosky1955A third species of Eusiphona, with remarks on the systematic position of the genus (Diptera, Milichiidae)
C. W. Sabrosky1953Two new species of Milichiidae, with miscellaneous notes on the family (Diptera)
C. W. Sabrosky, Valley K. R.1987A new Elachiptera from salt marshes, with redescription of E. penita and partially revised key to Nearctic Elachiptera (Diptera: Chloropidae)
M. Sasakawa1994Diptera: Tethinidae
J. R. Schiner1862Vorläufiger Commentar zum dipterologischen Theile der "Fauna austriaca"
H. Schmitz1924Een nieuwe vlieg uit Zuid-Limburg
H. Schmitz1923Drei neue europäische Phyllomyza-Arten
Á. Soós1978Tethinden aus der Mongolei mit einem Verzeichnis der paläarktischen Arten (Diptera: Acalyptratae)
G. C. Steyskal1966Notes and descriptions of Egyptian acalyptrate Diptera (Ephydridae, Milichiidae, Otitidae)
G. C. Steyskal1949The dipterous fauna of tree trunks
G. C. Steyskal1943A new species of Pholeomyia, with a key to the North American species (Diptera, Milichiidae)
G. C. Steyskal1942A new species of Phyllomyza from Virginia (Diptera: Milichiidae)
R. Stobbe1913Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Carnus Nitzsch (Cenchridobia Schiner) mit I nov. sp
P. G. Strobl1904Neue Beiträge zur Dipterenfauna der Balkanhalbinsel
P. G. Strobl1902New contributions on the dipterous fauna of the Balkan peninsula. [In Russian]
P. G. Strobl1900Spanische Dipteren. VIII
P. G. Strobl1898Fauna Ditera Bosne, Hercegovine i Dalmatije. [In Serbo-Croatian]
E. Séguy1934Etude sur quelques Muscides de l'Amérique Latine
E. Séguy1933Contributions à l'étude de la faune du Mozambique. Voyage de M.M. Lesne (1928-1929) 13e note. - Diptères (2e partie)
E. Séguy1932Spedizione scientifica all'oasi di Cufra (Marzo-Luglio 1931). Insectes diptères
M. Carles-Tolrá2001A new species of Milichiella Giglio-Tos from Spain (Diptera, Milichiidae)
M. Carles-Tolrá1992New species of Carnidae and Lauxaniidae (Diptera) from Spain
M. Carles-Tolrá1992Meoneura flabella sp. n., a new carnid species from Spain
M. Carles-Tolrá, Ventura D.2002Two new Meoneura Rondani species from Spain (Diptera, Carnidae)
J. Villeneuve1920Vichyia acyglossa, espèce et genre nouveaux de la famille des Milichiinae (Dipt. Muscidae)
M. von Tschirnhaus1981Die Halm- und Minierfliegen im Grenzbereich Land-Meer der Nordsee
P. F. Wahlberg1847Tvanne nya dipter-genera at agromyzidernas familj
F. Walker1865Descriptions of new species of the dipterous insects of New Guinea
F. Walker1836Descriptions, etc., of the Diptera
H. Wendt1994Eine neue Art der Gattung Calamoncosis Enderlein, 1911, aus Rheinland-Pfalz (Diptera, Chloropidae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith