
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
N. L. H. Krauss1944Notes on insects and other arthropods from the islands of Molokai and Maui, Hawaii
L. Papp1977Notes on some Becker's Types (Diptera, Carnidae and Risidae fam. n.)
N. L. H. Krauss1945Notes on some Hawaiian Insects
W. S. Bristowe1931Notes on the biology of spiders. VII. Flies that triumph over spiders
F. R. Cole1925Notes on the Diptera of Laguna Beach California
H. Audcent1927Notes on the Diptera of Somerset
J. M. Aldrich1928Notes on the synonymy of Diptera
J. M. Aldrich1930Notes on the synonymy of Diptera, No. 4
E. Perris1876Nouvelle promenade entomologique
J. Rohacek, Gregor F.1984Nové nebo faunisticky zajímaví nálazy druhu celedi Milichiidae a Carnidae (Diptera) z Ceskoslovenska
M. Carles-Tolrá1995Nuevas citas de dípteros acalipteros para las Islas Baleares, junto con una lista preliminar de once familias (Diptera: Acalyptrata)
M. Carles-Tolrá, Garanto, O., Checa, J. I.1993Nuevas citas y datos de dípteros acalípteros para España (Diptera: Acalyptrata)
G. D. Landau, Gaylor M. J.1987Observations on commensal Diptera (Milichiidae and Chloropidae) associated with spiders in Alabama
C. Lundström1906Om Desmometopa-arternas snyltgästning hos spindlar och rofinsecter
J. E. Collin1911On Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch (Cenchridobia eggeri Schiner) and its systematic position among the Diptera
S. W. Williston1896On the diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies)
J. P. Vlassov, Stackelberg A. A.1937On the dipterofauna of the burrows of the vertebrates around Ashkhabad
V. I. Lyvchiev, Tsankova R. N.1982On the hibernation of some coprobiont flies in Bulgaria
J. E. Collin1939On various new or little known british Diptera, including several species bred from the nests of birds and mammals
ICZN1978Opinion 1112: Madiza Fallén 1810: designation of a type species under the plenary powers
O. A. Johannsen1928Order Diptera
C. W. Johnson1900Order Diptera
A. Roulin, Christe, P., Dijkstra, C., Ducrest, A. - L., Jungi, T. W.2007Origin-related, environmental, sex, and age determinants of immunocompetence, susceptibility to ectoparasites, and disease symptoms in the barn owl
D. W. Coquillett1900Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition. IX. Entomological results (3): Diptera
W. Büttiker1969Parasites and nest-dwellers of the sand martin Riparia riparia in Switzerland
C. W. Johnson1927Part I. The insect fauna with references to the flora and other biological features
W. Procter1938Part VI. The insect fauna with references to methods of capture, food plants, the flora and other biological features
W. Procter1946Part VII. The insect fauna with references to methods of capture, food plants, the flora and other biological features
T. Becker1913Persische Dipteren von den Expeditionen des Herrn N. Zarudny 1898 und 1901
D. A. Waller1984Pholeomyia texensis Sabrosky (Diptera: Milichiidae): Laboratory notes on larval biology
E. Séguy1950Phoresie et role pathogene chez les insectes dipteres
P. de Peyerimhoff1917Phorésie et commensalisme chez les Desmometopa
I. Brake2000Phylogenetic systematics of the Milichiidae (Diptera, Schizophora)
D. Ontiveros, Caro, J., Pleguezuelos, J. M.2008Possible functions of alternative nests in raptors: the case of Bonelli's Eagle
A. Roulin, Gasparini, J., Froissart, L.2008Pre-hatching maternal effects and the tasty chick hypothesis
A. S. Abd El-Halim, Gadalla, S. M., El-Hamouly, H.2004Prevalence of dipterous flies associated with human and animal diseases in Al-Obour and 6th October wholesale markets, Egypt
A. L. Ozerov2005Primary types of Diptera (Insecta) in the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University (ZMUM). I. Families Acartophthalmidae, Asilidae, Carnidae, Conopidae, Dryomyzidae, Ephydridae, Lauxaniidae, Micropezidae, Milichiidae, Piophilidae, Pallopteridae, Pioph
F. Valera, Casas-Criville, A., Calero-Torralbo, M. A.2006Prolonged diapause in the ectoparasite Carnus hemapterus (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha, Acalyptratae) - how frequent is it in parasites
D. P. Wilton1961Refuse containers as a source of flies in Honolulu and nearby communities
D. W. Coquillett1900Report on a collection of dipterous insects from Puerto Rico
C. H. Curran1930Report on the Diptera collected at the station for the study of insects, Harriman Interstate Park, N. Y
J. E. Collin1949Results of the Armstrong College Expedition to Siwa Oasis (Libyan Desert), 1935, under the leadership of Prof. J. Omer-Cooper. Diptera Empididae, Dolichopodidae, Aschiza and Acalypterae
I. Brake, Freidberg A.2003Revision of Desmometopa Loew (Litometopa Sabrosky) (Diptera: Milichiidae), with descriptions of six new species
D. W. Coquillett1897Revision of the Tachinidae of America north of Mexico. A family of parasitic two-winged insects
E. Séguy1930Risultanti zoologici della missione inviata della R. Società Geografica Italiana per l'esplorazione dell' oasi di Giarabub (1926-1927). Insectes diptères
K. S. Kami, Miller S. E.1998Samoan insects and related arthropods: Checklist and bibliography
F. Hendel1934Schwedisch-chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen Provinzen Chinas, unter Leitung von Dr. Sven Hedin und Prof. Sü Ping-chang. Insekten ges. v. schwed. Arzt der Expedition Dr. David Hummel 1927-1930. 13. Diptera. 5. Muscaria holom
J. Rohacek1987Second supplement to the acalyptrate Diptera fauna (Pseudopomyzidae, Strongylophthalmyiidae, Chamaemyiidae, Chyromyidae, Anthomyzidae, Aulacigastridae, Periscelididae, Carnidae, Milichiidae) of Czechoslovakia
V. L. Beshosvki1966Several families of Diptera unknown to Bulgarian fauna: Dryomyzidae, Chamaemyiidae, Trichoscelidae, Asteidae, Canacidae and Milichiidae
T. A. Wheeler1994Sister group relationsships and the groundplan of the Chloropidae and Milichiidae


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith