
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
E. Wahlgren192725. Fam. Sprickflugor. Milichiidae
E. Séguy193428. Diptères (Brachycères) (Muscidae Acalyptraterae et Scatophagidae)
L. Papp, Wheeler T. A.19983.28. Family Milichiidae
L. Papp197872. család: Milichiidae + Carnidae
Sabrosky, C. W.198978. Family: Milichiidae
Papp, L.199887. Milichiidae
C. W. Sabrosky1976??. Fam. Milichiidae
P. H. Arnaud1979A catalogue of the types of Diptera in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences
G. S. Kloet, Hincks W. D.1945A check list of British insects
G. S. Kloet, Hincks W. D.1976A check list of British insects. Second Edition (Completely revised). Part 5: Diptera and Siphonaptera
W. Hackman1980A check list of the Finnish Diptera. II. Cyclorrhapha
R. L. Coe1968A further collection of Diptera from Yugoslavia
F. L. S. Curtis1837A guide to an arrangement of British Insects: being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, Greatly enlarged
F. L. S. Curtis1831A guide to an arrangement of British Insects; being a catalogue of all named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland
J. Sivinski, Stowe M.1980A kleptoparasitic Cecidomyiid and other flies associated with spiders
G. H. Verrall1888A list of British Diptera. I-III
G. C. Steyskal, El-Bialy S.1967A list of Egyptian Diptera with a bibliography and key to families
J. P. Baumberger1919A nutritional study of insects, with special reference to microorganisms and their substrata
A. F. Winn, Beaulieu G.1932A preliminary list of the insects of the province of Quebec - Part II, Diptera (two-winged flies). Revised and supplemented
E. H. Bryan1934A review of the Hawaiian Diptera, with descriptions of new species
C. W. Johnson1919A revised list of the Diptera of Jamaica
L. Papp2007A study of the cow pat Diptera on the Hortobágy, Hungary
A. L. Melander1913A Synopsis of the dipterous groups Agromyzidae, Milichiidae, Ochthiphilinae and Geomyzinae
C. W. Sabrosky1983A Synopsis of the world species of Desmometopa Loew (Diptera, Milichiidae)
D. G. Denning, Pratt, J. J., Staebler, A. E., Wirth, W. W.1947A tabulation of insects recovered from aircraft entering the United States at Miami, Florida, during the period July 1943 through December 1944
R. E. Williams, Walker C. L.1981A unique fly problem in an industrial bio-filter system
A. A. Stackelberg1958Acalyptrata, part 1
L. Papp1985Acalyptrate flies from sifted materials in the Geneva Museum
D. E. Hardy1952Additions and corrections to Bryan's check list of the Hawaiian Diptera
J. E. Collin1911Additions and corrections to the British list of Muscidae Acalyptratae
M. Carles-Tolrá2001Algunos dípteros nuevos para Portugal (Insecta, Diptera)
K. Sakimura, Linford M. B.1940An annotated list of insects from Lanai
C. O'Toole1978Ants, bees and wasps (aculeate Hymenoptera)
M. H. Robinson, Robinson B.1977Associations between flies and spiders: Bibiocommensalism and dipsoparasitism?
E. F. Legner1970Attraction of Hippelates eye gnats and other minute diptera to baits and man with considerations on competitive displacement by exotic non-problem species
F. Kowarz1873Beitrag zur Dipteren-Fauna Ungarns
H. Kramer1921Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lausitzer Dipteren
O. Duda1935Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Paläarktischen Madizinae
P. G. Strobl1893Beiträge zur Dipterenfauna des österreichischen Littorale
F. A. Wachtl1882Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Biologie, Systematik und Synonymie der Insekten
W. Hennig1939Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Kopulationsapparates und der Systematik der Acalyptraten. II. Tethinidae, Milichiidae, Anthomyzidae und Opomyzidae
J. Herzig1938Blattlausmelkende Fliegen
H. Audcent1934Bristol Insect Fauna. Diptera (Part VII and last)
C. S. Ortiz1946Catalogo de los dipteros de Chile
E. Gobert1887Catalogue des diptères de France
C. R. Osten Sacken1878Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America. [Ed.2]
J. H. S. Siebke1877Catalogum Dipterorum Continentem. In Schneider, J. S.(ed.), Enumeratio insectorum Norvegicorum. Fasciculum IV
C. C. Gowdey1926Catalogus insectorum Jamaicensis. Order Diptera
F. Gregor1986Celad: Milichiidae
W. E. Britton1920Check-list of the insects of Connecticut


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith