
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
S. W. Frost1969Supplement to Florida insects taken in light traps
W. Hennig1969Neue Übersicht über die aus dem Baltischen Bernstein bekannten Acalypteratae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha)
L. Lyneborg1969Some Micropezidae, Psilidae, Platystomidae, Otitidae, Pallopteridae, Odiniidae, Aulacigasteridae, Asteiidae and Milichiidae collected in Southern Spain, with descriptions of six new species
M. C. D. Speight1969The prothoracic morphology of acalypterates and its use in systematics
W. W. Wirth1969The shore flies of the genus Canaceoides Cresson (Diptera: Canaceidae)
J. Zuska, Laštovka P.1969Species-composition of the dipterous fauna in various types of food-processing plants in Czechoslovakia
D. H. Colless, McAlpine D. K.1970Diptera (Flies)
A. M. Easton, Smith G. V.1970The entomology of the cadaver
D. S. Horning, Jr., Barr W. F.1970Insects of craters of the Moon National Monument Idaho
E. F. Legner1970Attraction of Hippelates eye gnats and other minute diptera to baits and man with considerations on competitive displacement by exotic non-problem species
K. Rohlfien, Ewald B.1970Katalog der in den Sammlungen des ehemaligen Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes aufbewahrten Typen - VIII
E. H. Slifer1970The structure of arthropod chemoreceptors
A. A. Stackelberg197091. Family Milichiidae
A. A. Stackelberg197090. Family Tethinidae
A. A. Stackelberg197092. Family Canacidae
J. G. Stoffolano1970The anal organ of larvae of Musca autumnalis, Musca domestica and Orthellia caesarion (Diptera: Muscidae)
L. Süss1970Ophiomyia pinguis Fall. (Diptera Agromyzidae) in Lombardia. Osservazioni biologiche e morfologiche
F. VanEmden, Hennig W.197021. Diptera
H. Andersson1971Faunistic notes on Scandinavian Diptera Brachycera
H. Dainat, Delage, A., Lauraire, M. C.1971Contribution à l'etude des Diptères Acalyptérés de la région de Montpellier. 1re Note
J. C. Deeming1971Some species of Atherigona Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) from northern Nigeria with special reference to those injurious to cereal crops
B. Greenberg1971Flies and disease, Vol. I. Ecology, classification and biotic associations
F. Gregor1971New species of Mycetaulus Loew (Piophilidae) and Meoneura Rond. (Milichiidae) from Hindukush (Diptera)
F. Gregor, Daniel M.1971A contribution to the knowledge of fauna of synanthropic flies in the East Hindukush
W. Hennig1971Die Familien Pseudopomyzidae und Milichiidae im Baltischen Bernstein
W. Hennig1971Neue Untersuchungen über die Familien der Diptera Schizophora
E. A. Hicks1971Check-list and bibliography on the occurrence of insects in birds' nests. Supplement II
H. L. Klopping, Meade A. L.1971Molecular shape and size vs. attractancy to insects in some chemically unrelated compounds
A. J. Main, Anderson K. S.1971Avian ectoparasites at Manomet bird observatory, II, flies
C. D. Michener1971Notes on Crabonine Wasp nests
J. C. Moser, Neff S. E.1971Pholeomyia comans (Diptera: Milichiidae) an associate of Atta texana: Larval anatomy and notes on biology
M. H. Robinson, Olazarri J.1971Units of behaviour and complex sequences in the predatory behaviour of Argiope argentata (Fabricius): (Araneae: Araneidae)
G. G. E. Scudder1971Comparative morphology of insect genitalia
M. von Tschirnhaus1971Unbekannte Stridulationsorgane bei Dipteren und ihre Bedeutung für Taxonomie und Phylogenetik der Agromyziden
W. W. Wirth1971Platygymnopa, a new genus of Ephydridae reared from decaying snails in North America (Diptera)
M. Zalokar1971Fixation of Drosophila eggs without pricking
J. B. Beavers, McGovern, T. P., Beroza, M., Sutton,1972Synthetic attractants for some dipteran species
V. L. Beshosvki1972A contribution to the dipteral fauna (Diptera, Brachycera) in the region of the Bulgarian Black-Sea coast
B. Greenberg, Ash N.1972Setiferous plaques on antennal pedicels of muscoid Diptera: appearance in various species and tests of function
G. C. D. Griffiths1972The phylogenetic classification of Diptera Cyclorrhapha with special reference to the structure of the male postabdomen
W. Hennig1972Beiträge zur Kenntnis der rezenten und fossilen Carnidae, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung einer neuen Gattung aus Chile
C. W. Sabrosky1972A synopsis of the genus Eutropha Loew, with a new African species (Diptera, Chloropidae)
G. C. Steyskal1972A correction to Sturtevant's paper on the seminal receptacles, etc., of the Diptera, 1926
H. Ulrich1972Zur Anatomie des Empididen-Hypopygiums (Diptera)
S. L. Campos, Pena G. L. E.1973Los insectos de isla de Pascua (Resultados de une prospeccion entomologica)
K. J. Capelle, Whitworth T. L.1973The distribution and avian hosts of Carnus hemapterus (Diptera: Milichiidae) in North America
J. Doskocil1973Die Zweiflügler (Diptera, Acalyptrata) der Pancice-Wiese, Krkonose Gebirge
G. L. Fowler1973Some aspects of the reproductive biology of Drosophila: sperm transfer, sperm storage and sperm utilization
F. Gregor1973Two new species of the genus Meoneura Rondani from Czechoslovakia
U. Groth, Reissmüller H.1973Beziehungen synanthroper Fliegen zu Kleintierleichen. 1. Teil: Methodik, Vor- und Hauptversuche


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith