
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
I. Brake2004Borneomyia, a new genus and two new species of Milichiidae (Diptera, Schizophora)
M. Carles-Tolrá2004Dípteros nuevos para la Peninsula Ibérica capturados en la provincia de Salamanca (España) (Insecta, Diptera)
M. Chvála, Götze J.2004Species-group names of Diptera described by Gabriel Strobl
M. Drees2004Nachweis von Phyllomyza longipalpis und Gymnochiromyia inermis (Diptera: Milichiidae et Chyromyidae) in Westfalen
E. Fast, Wheeler T. A.2004Faunal inventory of Brachycera (Diptera) in an old growth forest at Mont Saint-Hilarie, Quebec
F. - T. Krell, Cranston P.2004Editorial. Which side of the tree is more basal?
P. S. Masinde2004Trap-flower fly pollination in East African Ceropegia L. (Apocynaceae)
W. N. Mathis, Zatwarnicki T.2004A revision of the Shore-fly genus Trimerogastra Hendel (Diptera: Ephydridae)
W. N. Mathis, Zatwarnicki T.2004A revision of the Shore-fly genus Cressonomyia Arnaud (Diptera: Ephydridae), with comments on species that have been excluded
W. N. Mathis, Zatwarnicki T.2004A review of two Nearctic shore-fly species in the genus Psilopa Fallén that were included in the genus Cressonomyia Arnaud (Diptera: Ephydridae)
W. N. Mathis, Zatwarnicki T.2004Description of a new species of Hyadina Haliday (Diptera: Ephydridae) from southern California
W. N. Mathis, Zatwarnicki T.2004Tronamyia, a new genus of Shore Flies, and a phylogenetic reassessment of the tribe Lipochaetini Becker (Diptera: Ephydridae)
M. Sueyoshi, Mathis W. N.2004A new species of Cyamops Melander 1913 (Diptera: Periscelididae) from Japan and a review of Japanese Periscelididae
D. F. Westneat, Weiskittle, J., Edenfield, R., Kinnard, T. B., Poston, J. P.2004Correlates of cell-mediated immunity in nestling house sparrows
Qh Zhang, Aldrich J. R.2004Attraction of scavenging chloropid and milichiid flies (Diptera) to metathoracic scent gland compounds of plant bugs (Heteroptera: Miridae)
I. Brake, Freidberg A.2003Revision of Desmometopa Loew (Litometopa Sabrosky) (Diptera: Milichiidae), with descriptions of six new species
G. A. Foster, Mathis W. N.2003A revision of the genera Pelomyia Williston and Masoniella Vockeroth (Diptera: Tethinidae)
M. Heddergott2003Parasitisierung nestjunger Turmfalken Falco t. tinnunculus durch die Gefiederfliege Carnus hemapterus (Insecta: Milichiidae, Diptera)
M. Iwasa2003The genus Phyllomyza Fallén (Diptera: Milichiidae) from Japan, with descriptions of four new species
W. N. Mathis, Trautwein M.2003A revision and phylogenetic study of Lipochaeta Coquillett (Diptera: Ephydridae)
W. N. Mathis, Winkler I. S.2003A review of the Neotropical species of Brachydeutera Loew (Diptera: Ephydridae)
W. N. Mathis, Zatwarnicki T.2003Shore flies of the Republic of Seychelles (Diptera: Ephydridae)
L. Munari, Merz B.2003Contribution to the knowledge of the fauna and taxonomy of Mediterranean Beach Flies (Diptera, Tethinidae)
E. P. Nartshuk2003Key to families of Diptera (Insecta) of the fauna of Russian and adjacent countries [in Russian]
L. Papp2003Further additions and corrections to the Hungarian checklist (Diptera)
C. Pârvu2003Faunistic materials (Insecta: Diptera) for the knowledge of the biodiversity of Maramures Depression, Romania
A. Roulin, Brinkhof, M. W. G., Bize, P., Richner, H., Jungi, T. W., Bavoux, C., Boileau, N., Burneleau, G.2003Which chick is tasty to parasites? The importance of host immunology vs. parasite life history
B. J. Sinclair2003Taxonomy, phylogeny and zoogeography of the subfamily Ceratomerinae of Australia (Diptera: Empidoidea)
M. Sueyoshi2003A taxonomic review of Japanese Asteia (Diptera: Acalyptrata: Asteiidae)
M. Sueyoshi, Rohacek J.2003Anthomyzidae (Diptera: Acalyptrata) from Japan and adjacent areas
F. Valera, Casas-Criville, A., Hoi, H.2003Interspecific parasite exchange in a mixed colony of birds
J. A. Webb, Ismay J. W.2003A recent record of Milichia ludens (Wahlberg) (Dipt. Milichiidae) from Oxfordshire
S. P. Gaponov2003Morphology and evolution of flies’ eggs (Diptera) [in Russian]
R. Bährmann2002Zweiflügler (Diptera) an Baumstämmen: Weiden (Salix) und Pappeln (Populus)
P. L. T. Beuk2002Family Milichiidae
P. L. T. Beuk2002Family Carnidae
M. Carles-Tolrá, Báez M.2002Carnidae
M. Carles-Tolrá, Báez M.2002Milichiidae
M. Carles-Tolrá, Ventura D.2002Two new Meoneura Rondani species from Spain (Diptera, Carnidae)
T. Dikow, Mathis W. N.2002A revision and phylogenetic study of Actocetor Becker (Diptera: Ephydridae)
A. Freidberg, Mathis W. N.2002The Periscelididae (Diptera) of Israel, with description of a new species of Stenomicra Coquillett
A. H. Fritz2002A single, abdominal ganglion in Anastrepha suspensa (Diptera: Tephritidae) and its innervation of the female sperm storage organs
A. H. Fritz, Turner F. R.2002A light and electron microscopical study of the spermathecae and ventral receptacle of Anastrepha suspensa (Diptera: Tephritidae) and implications in female influence of sperm storage
W. N. Mathis, Zatwarnicki T.2002A phylogenetic study of the tribe Dryxini Zatwarnicki (Diptera: Ephydridae)
D. K. McAlpine2002Some examples of reduced segmentation of the arista in Diptera-Cyclorrhapha, and some phylogenetic implications
B. Merz, Sueyoshi M.2002Descriptions of new species of Pallopteridae (Diptera) from Taiwan, Korea and Japan, and notes on some other species from Eastern Asia
L. Papp2002Dipterous guilds of small-sized feeding sources in forests of Hungary
A. L. Serra2002Insecta - Diptera - Milichiidae (Phyllomyzidae, incl. Carnidae)
P. Withers2002Thirty-nine species of Diptera new to Ireland, including a species of Psychodidae new to the British Isles
D. K. Yeates, Merritt, D. J., Baker, C. H.2002The adult ventral nerve cord as a phylogenetic character in brachyceran Diptera


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith