
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
F. Hendel1907Neue und interessante Dipteren aus dem kaiserlichen Museum in Wien
W. Hennig1972Beiträge zur Kenntnis der rezenten und fossilen Carnidae, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung einer neuen Gattung aus Chile
W. Hennig1948Eine neue Art der Gattung Meoneura aus den Niederen Tauern
M. A. W. Hornsby, Fairn, E. R., Barber, C. A.2013Male European starlings do not use egg spots as a cue to adjust investment in nestlings
M. Iwasa2000Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch (Diptera, Carnidae) found from the external auditory meatus of human, new to Japan
M. Iwasa, Sakamoto, H., Asahi, K.2014Discovery of a bird-parasitic fly, Carnus orientalis (Diptera: Carnidae), in Japan, with bionomic remarks and a key to Carnus species
J. Kahanpää2014Checklist of the Diptera families Acartophthalmidae, Canacidae (including Tethinidae), Carnidae and Milichiidae of Finland (Insecta)
K. Kanmiya1983A systematic study of the Japanese Chloropidae (Diptera)
C. Kehlmaier1998Data-basis for a check-list of all known Diptera-species from the Azores Archipelago (Insecta: Diptera)
C. A. Korytkowski1982La mosca minadora del arroz en el Peru, Hydrellia wirthi nueva especies (Diptera: Ephydridae)
V. A. Krivokhatskii, Nartshuk E. P.2001Flies (Diptera) inhabiting bird nests in the "Forest on the Vorskla River" nature reserve (Belgorod Province)
J. Krištofík1988Synanthropic Flies (Diptera) of the North-South Road System in Slovakia
D. Lacinia1999Ectoparasite Carnus hemapterus influences the mass growth rate of nestlings of European Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
L. Lange2014Die Gefiederfliege Carnus hemapterus (Diptera, Milichiidae) im Kreis Steinburg (Itzehoe, Schleswig-Holstein) auch am Uhu
M. J. Lesko, Smallwood J. A.2012Ectoparasites of American Kestrels in northwestern New Jersey and their relationship to nestling growth and survival
A. Liker, Márkus, M., Vozár, Á., Zemankovics, E.2001Distribution of Carnus hemapterus in a starling colony
J. Lucientes, Ferrer-Dufol, M., Peribanez, M. A., Cracia-Salinas, M. J., Guerga-Penella, J. L., de Martin, M. I. Benito, Castillo, J. A.1996New record of Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch, 1818 (Cyclorrhapha: Carnidae) in Spain
T. C. Maa1968A new Carnus from Malaya (Diptera: Milichiidae)
J. R. Malloch1915Four new North American Diptera
J. R. Malloch1913A synopsis of the genera of Agromyzidae, with descriptions of new genera and species
W. N. Mathis, Castro, B. A., Way, M. O., Zatwarnicki, T.2006Discovery of the South American rice miner (Diptera: Ephydridae) in southeastern United States
A. V. Matyukhin, Krivosheina M. G.2008To the knowledge of Diptera (Insecta) - Parasites of birds
R. L. de Mello, Rodrigues, P. Fernanda M., Lamas, C. Jose Einic2007A new species of Leptometopa Becker, 1903 (Diptera, Milichiidae) and an identification key for the Neotropical species of the genus
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J. Mik1881Diptera, gesammelt von Hermann Krone auf den Auckland-Inseln bei Gelegenheit der deutschen Venus-Expedition in den Jahren 1874 und 1875
L. Munari2010Canacidae and Australimyzidae (Diptera) collected by Danish Scientific Expeditions and by N. L. H. Krauss, with descriptions of four new species
E. P. Nartshuk, Krivokhatsky V. A.2001Bird nest's consortia: insects as components of nest ecosystems
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A. L. Ozerov2008Three new species of Carnidae and Piophilidae (Diptera) from Turkey and Russia
A. L. Ozerov2005Primary types of Diptera (Insecta) in the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University (ZMUM). I. Families Acartophthalmidae, Asilidae, Carnidae, Conopidae, Dryomyzidae, Ephydridae, Lauxaniidae, Micropezidae, Milichiidae, Piophilidae, Pallopteridae, Pioph
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A. L. Ozerov, Krivosheina M. G.2013New species of the genus Meoneura Rondani, 1856 (Diptera, Carnidae) from Kazakhstan
L. Papp2013New species and records of Meoneura Rondani, 1856 from the old world tropics (Diptera, Carnidae)
L. Papp2006New records of Diptera species from Hungary, with the list of the Hungarian Scathophagidae
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L. Papp1981New species and taxonomical data of the palaearctic Lauxaniidae and Carnidae (Diptera)
L. Papp197872. család: Milichiidae + Carnidae
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A. Petrescu, Adam C.2001Interspecific relations in the populations of Merops apiaster L. (Aves: Coraciiformes) of southern Romania
A. Petrescu, Adam C.2000Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch, 1818 (Diptera: Carnidae) parasite on Merops apiaster L. (Aves: Meropidae) in southern Romania
J. Rohacek1996Fourth supplement to the acalyptrate Diptera fauna of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
G. E. Rotheray2012The puparium of Meoneura lamellata Collin (Diptera, Carnidae) and records of three other carnids from bird and mammal nests
A. Roulin1999Fécondité de la mouche Carnus hemapterus, ectoparasite des jeunes Chouettes effraies Tyto alba
A. Roulin1998Cycle de reproduction et abondance du diptère parasite Carnus hemapterus dans les nichée de Chouettes effraies Tyto alba
A. Roulin, Brinkhof, M. W. G., Bize, P., Richner, H., Jungi, T. W., Bavoux, C., Boileau, N., Burneleau, G.2003Which chick is tasty to parasites? The importance of host immunology vs. parasite life history
A. Roulin, Christe, P., Dijkstra, C., Ducrest, A. - L., Jungi, T. W.2007Origin-related, environmental, sex, and age determinants of immunocompetence, susceptibility to ectoparasites, and disease symptoms in the barn owl
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith