
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
J. C. Deeming1997The first endemic species of Meoneura Rondani (Diptera: Carnidae) to South Africa
W. Hackman, Väisänen R.1985The evolution and phylogenetic significance of the costal chaetotaxy in the Diptera
K. J. Capelle, Whitworth T. L.1973The distribution and avian hosts of Carnus hemapterus (Diptera: Milichiidae) in North America
D. A. Grimaldi1997The bird flies, genus Carnus: Species revision, generic relationships, and a fossil Meoneura in Amber (Diptera: Carnidae)
G. D. Lloyd, Philip C. B.1966The "wingless" fly, Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch (Milichiidae), on hawk fledglings in Northern Utah
E. Kentner, Streit B.1990Temporal distribution and habitat preference of congeneric insect species found at rat carrion
H. Andersson1977Taxonomic and phylogenetic studies on Chloropidae (Diptera) with special reference to Old World genera
O. DallaTorre1918Systematisches Verzeichnis der Dipteren Tirols
M. A. Calero-Torralbo, Valera F.2008Synchronization of host-parasite cycles by means of diapause: host influence and parasite response to involuntary host shifting
J. Krištofík1988Synanthropic Flies (Diptera) of the North-South Road System in Slovakia
M. D. Coffey1966Studies on the association of flies (Diptera) with dung in southeastern Washington
P. Ardö1957Studies in the marine shore dune ecosystem with special reference to the dipterous fauna
R. Frey1921Studien über den Bau des Mundes der niederen Diptera Schizophora nebst Bermerkungen über die Systematik dieser Dipterengruppen
O. Harnisch1925Studien zur Ökologie und Tiergeographie der Moore
I. Lopez-Rull, Gil, M., Gil, D.2007Spots in starling Sturnus unicolor eggs are good indicators of ectoparasite load by Carnus hemapterus (Diptera : Carnidae)
M. Chvála, Götze J.2004Species-group names of Diptera described by Gabriel Strobl
J. Zuska, Laštovka P.1969Species-composition of the dipterous fauna in various types of food-processing plants in Czechoslovakia
L. Papp1978Species of nine acalyptrate fly families from Tunisia
L. Czerny, Strobl P. G.1909Spanische Dipteren. III. Beitrag
P. G. Strobl1900Spanische Dipteren, IX
P. G. Strobl1906Spanische Dipteren II
J. E. Collin1930Some species of the genus Meoneura (Diptera)
L. Lyneborg1969Some Micropezidae, Psilidae, Platystomidae, Otitidae, Pallopteridae, Odiniidae, Aulacigasteridae, Asteiidae and Milichiidae collected in Southern Spain, with descriptions of six new species
D. K. McAlpine2002Some examples of reduced segmentation of the arista in Diptera-Cyclorrhapha, and some phylogenetic implications
M. Carles-Tolrá, C. Castro Pe2011Some dipterans collected on pig carcasses in Portugal (Diptera: Carnidae, Heleomyzidae, Lauxaniidae and Sphaeroceridae)
J. C. Deeming1985Some Diptera from Bardsey
L. Papp1978Some cavernicolous Diptera of the Geneva Museum
A. L. Melander1913Some acalyptrate Muscidae
J. Rohacek1987Second supplement to the acalyptrate Diptera fauna (Pseudopomyzidae, Strongylophthalmyiidae, Chamaemyiidae, Chyromyidae, Anthomyzidae, Aulacigastridae, Periscelididae, Carnidae, Milichiidae) of Czechoslovakia
J. E. Collin1949Results of the Armstrong College Expedition to Siwa Oasis (Libyan Desert), 1935, under the leadership of Prof. J. Omer-Cooper. Diptera Empididae, Dolichopodidae, Aschiza and Acalypterae
F. Gregor, Povolný D.1961Resultate stationärer Untersuchungen von synanthropen Fliegen in der Umgebung einer Ortschaft in der Ostslowakei
F. Valera, Zidkova L.2012Reproductive anatomy and fecundity estimation of the haematophagous ectoparasite Carnus hemapterus
A. Fitch1856Reports on noxious, benefical and other insects of the State of New York. (II)
M. Martin-Vivaldi, Ruiz-Rodriguez, M., Mendez, M., Soler, J. J.2006Relative importance of factors affecting nestling immune response differs between junior and senior nestlings within broods of hoopoes Upupa epops
F. Mihályi1965Rearing flies from faeces and meat, infected under natural condition
F. Valera, Casas-Criville, A., Calero-Torralbo, M. A.2006Prolonged diapause in the ectoparasite Carnus hemapterus (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha, Acalyptratae) - how frequent is it in parasites
A. J. Main, Wallis R. C.1974Primary records of two vertebrate ectoparasites in New England (Acarina: Argasidae and Diptera: Milichiidae)
A. Roulin, Gasparini, J., Froissart, L.2008Pre-hatching maternal effects and the tasty chick hypothesis
D. Ontiveros, Caro, J., Pleguezuelos, J. M.2008Possible functions of alternative nests in raptors: the case of Bonelli's Eagle
F. Kühlhorn1974Phallus impudicus L. (Stinkmorchel) in siedlungsnahen Gehölzen als mögliche Quelle der Zuwanderung von Dipteren in den Siedlungsbereich
M. Heddergott2003Parasitisierung nestjunger Turmfalken Falco t. tinnunculus durch die Gefiederfliege Carnus hemapterus (Insecta: Milichiidae, Diptera)
E. Kutzer, Frey, H., Noebauer, H.1982Parasitic fauna of Austrian owls (Strigiformes)
R. E. Carleton, Mertins, J. W., Yabsley, M. J.2012Parasites and Pathogens of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis): A Field Survey of a Population Nesting Within a Grass-Dominated Agricultural Habitat in Georgia, USA, with a Review of Previous Records
W. Büttiker1969Parasites and nest-dwellers of the sand martin Riparia riparia in Switzerland
D. W. Coquillett1900Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition. IX. Entomological results (3): Diptera
A. Roulin, Christe, P., Dijkstra, C., Ducrest, A. - L., Jungi, T. W.2007Origin-related, environmental, sex, and age determinants of immunocompetence, susceptibility to ectoparasites, and disease symptoms in the barn owl
J. E. Collin1939On various new or little known british Diptera, including several species bred from the nests of birds and mammals
M. Bezzi1922On the dipterous genera Passeromyia and Ornithomusca with notes and bibliography of the non pupiparous Myiodaria parasitic on birds
J. E. Collin1911On Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch (Cenchridobia eggeri Schiner) and its systematic position among the Diptera
M. Carles-Tolrá, Garanto, O., Checa, J. I.1993Nuevas citas y datos de dípteros acalípteros para España (Diptera: Acalyptrata)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith