
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
D. A. Wharton1982Observations on the coiled pasture of trichostrongyle infective larvae using freeze-substitution method and SEM
J. O. Westwood1851Observations on the destructive species of dipterous insects known in Africa under the names of the tsetse, zimb and tsaltsalya, and on their supposed connexion with the fourth plague of Eygpt
O. H. Latter1931Observations on the insect enemies of the British bee Osmia rufa (L.) (Hym.: Megachilidae)
M. A. L. Braganca, Medeiros Z. C. S.2006Occurrence and biological characteristics of parasitoid phorids (Diptera: Phoridae) of the leaf-cutting ant Atta laevigata (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Porto Nacional, TO, Brazil
D. A. Grimaldi, Beck, C. W., Boon, J. J.1989Occurrence, chemical characteristics, and paleontology of the fossil resins from New Jersey
C. Lundström1906Om Desmometopa-arternas snyltgästning hos spindlar och rofinsecter
A. D. Imms1942On Braula coeca Nitzsch and its affinities
J. E. Collin1911On Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch (Cenchridobia eggeri Schiner) and its systematic position among the Diptera
D. A. Grimaldi1995On the age of Dominican amber
R. Felix, Van Wielink P.2008On the biology of Calodromius bifasciatus and related species in ‘De Kaaistoep’ (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
I. Trägårdh1914On the chemotropism of insects and its significance for economic entomology
S. W. Williston1896On the diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies)
J. P. Vlassov, Stackelberg A. A.1937On the dipterofauna of the burrows of the vertebrates around Ashkhabad
M. Bezzi1922On the dipterous genera Passeromyia and Ornithomusca with notes and bibliography of the non pupiparous Myiodaria parasitic on birds
A. Freidberg, Mathis W. N.1985On the feeding habits of Rhynchopsilopa (Diptera: Ephydridae)
L. W. Grensted1956On the gender of the generic names Desmometopa and Leptometopa (Diptera, Milichiidae)
V. I. Lyvchiev, Tsankova R. N.1982On the hibernation of some coprobiont flies in Bulgaria
G. Bächli1982On the type material of Palaearctic species of Drosophilidae (Diptera)
J. E. Collin1939On various new or little known british Diptera, including several species bred from the nests of birds and mammals
L. Süss1970Ophiomyia pinguis Fall. (Diptera Agromyzidae) in Lombardia. Osservazioni biologiche e morfologiche
ICZN1978Opinion 1112: Madiza Fallén 1810: designation of a type species under the plenary powers
J. Thalhammer1918Ordo Diptera
P. Tréhen, Bouché, M., Vernon, P., Frenot, Y.1985Organization and dynamics of Oligochaeta and Diptera on Possession Island
A. Roulin, Christe, P., Dijkstra, C., Ducrest, A. - L., Jungi, T. W.2007Origin-related, environmental, sex, and age determinants of immunocompetence, susceptibility to ectoparasites, and disease symptoms in the barn owl
L. Munari1996Osservazioni e riflessioni sulla biogeografia dei Tethinidae (Diptera) e su alcuni fenomeni microevolutivi nelle species di Tethina Haliday, 1838 del bacino del Mediterraneo
R. Meier, Kotrba, M., Ferrar, P.1999Ovoviviparity and viviparity in the Diptera
D. W. Coquillett1900Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition. IX. Entomological results (3): Diptera
W. Büttiker1969Parasites and nest-dwellers of the sand martin Riparia riparia in Switzerland
R. E. Carleton, Mertins, J. W., Yabsley, M. J.2012Parasites and Pathogens of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis): A Field Survey of a Population Nesting Within a Grass-Dominated Agricultural Habitat in Georgia, USA, with a Review of Previous Records
E. Kutzer, Frey, H., Noebauer, H.1982Parasitic fauna of Austrian owls (Strigiformes)
B. V. Brown1997Parasitic phorid flies: a previously unrecognized cost to aggregation behavior of male stingless bees
M. Heddergott2003Parasitisierung nestjunger Turmfalken Falco t. tinnunculus durch die Gefiederfliege Carnus hemapterus (Insecta: Milichiidae, Diptera)
W. Eichler1937Parasitologisches im ornithologischen Schrifttum. I
L. Nabaglo1973Participation of invertebrates in decomposition of rodent carcasses in forest ecosystems
C. A. Frost1913Peculiar habits of small Diptera, Desmometopa latipes Meigen
T. Becker1913Persische Dipteren von den Expeditionen des Herrn N. Zarudny 1898 und 1901
P. Tréhen, Vernon P.1982Peuplement diptérologique d'une île subantarctique: la Possession (46°S,51°E; Îles Crozez)
F. Kühlhorn1974Phallus impudicus L. (Stinkmorchel) in siedlungsnahen Gehölzen als mögliche Quelle der Zuwanderung von Dipteren in den Siedlungsbereich
J. C. Moser, Neff S. E.1971Pholeomyia comans (Diptera: Milichiidae) an associate of Atta texana: Larval anatomy and notes on biology
D. A. Waller1984Pholeomyia texensis Sabrosky (Diptera: Milichiidae): Laboratory notes on larval biology
E. Séguy1950Phoresie et role pathogene chez les insectes dipteres
R. H. L. Disney, Evans R. E.1979Phoridae (Diptera) whose larvae feed on the eggs of spiders (Araneidae)
P. de Peyerimhoff1917Phorésie et commensalisme chez les Desmometopa
I. Brake1998Phylogenetic aspects of Madizinae (Milichiidae)
W. Hennig1965Phylogenetic Systematic
I. Brake2000Phylogenetic systematics of the Milichiidae (Diptera, Schizophora)
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F. Pleijel1999Phylogenetic taxonomy, a farewell to species, and a revision of Heteropodarke (Hesionidae, Polychaeta, Annelida)
F. N. Soto-Adames, Robertson, H. M., Berlocher, S. H.1994Phylogenetic utility of partial DNA sequences of G-6pdh at different taxonomic levels in Hexapoda with emphasis on Diptera
D. A. Grimaldi1987Phylogenetics and taxonomy of Zygothrica (Diptera: Drosophilidae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith