
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
F. Gregor1973Two new species of the genus Meoneura Rondani from Czechoslovakia
F. Gregor1971New species of Mycetaulus Loew (Piophilidae) and Meoneura Rond. (Milichiidae) from Hindukush (Diptera)
F. Gregor1987Carnidae
F. Gregor, Papp L.1981Czechoslovak species of the genus Meoneura with description of Meoneura moravica sp. n
D. A. Grimaldi1997The bird flies, genus Carnus: Species revision, generic relationships, and a fossil Meoneura in Amber (Diptera: Carnidae)
A. S. Abd El-Halim, Gadalla, S. M., El-Hamouly, H.2004Prevalence of dipterous flies associated with human and animal diseases in Al-Obour and 6th October wholesale markets, Egypt
A. S. Abd El-Halim, Mostafa, A. A., Allam, K. A. M.2005Dipterous flies species and their densities in fourteen Egyptian Governorates
H. Juul Hansen2007Ektoparasitter på skarvunger i Danmark med første fund af fluen Carnus hemapterus (Carnidae, Diptera) [Ectoparasites on cormorant chicks in Denmark with first finding of the carnid fly Carnus hemapterus (Carnidae; Diptera)]
G. H. Hardy1924Australian Nemestrinidae (Diptera)
D. E. Hardy1987Chapter 53. Pipunculidae
R. A. Harrison1976The Arthropoda of the Southern Islands of New Zealand (9) Diptera
R. A. Harrison1955Report on Diptera of Auckland and Campbell Islands
R. A. Harrison1953Diptera of Antipodes and Bounty Islands
M. S. El-Hawagry, Abdel-Dayem, M. S., Elgharbawy, A. A., Dha, H. M. Al2016A preliminary account of the fly fauna in Jabal Shada al-A’la Nature Reserve, Saudi Arabia, with new records and biogeographical remarks (Diptera, Insecta)
M. Heddergott2005Ergänzung zur Checkliste der Diptera Acalyptratae Thüringens: Carnidae
M. Heddergott2003Parasitisierung nestjunger Turmfalken Falco t. tinnunculus durch die Gefiederfliege Carnus hemapterus (Insecta: Milichiidae, Diptera)
F. Hendel1920Hemeromyia Coquillet, eine für Europa neue Fliegengattung (Milichiidae)
F. Hendel1907Neue und interessante Dipteren aus dem kaiserlichen Museum in Wien
W. Hennig1972Beiträge zur Kenntnis der rezenten und fossilen Carnidae, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung einer neuen Gattung aus Chile
W. Hennig1948Eine neue Art der Gattung Meoneura aus den Niederen Tauern
W. Hennig193760a. Milichiidae et Carnidae
R. Henry, Disney, L., Berghoff, S. M.2007New species and new records of scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) associated with army ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Panama
J. V. G. Hill, Brown B. V.2006New records of the rarely collected ant-decapitating fly Apocephalus tenuipes Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae)
K. C. Holston2005Evidence for community structure and habitat partitioning in coastal dune stiletto flies at the Guadalupe-Nipomo dunes system, California
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M. E. Irwin, Lyneborg L.1981The genera of Nearctic Therevidae
M. Iwasa2000Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch (Diptera, Carnidae) found from the external auditory meatus of human, new to Japan
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M. T. James1981Chapter 36. Stratiomyidae
M. T. James, Turner W. J.1981Chapter 33. Rhagionidae
J. Kahanpää2014Checklist of the Diptera families Acartophthalmidae, Canacidae (including Tethinidae), Carnidae and Milichiidae of Finland (Insecta)
K. Kanmiya1983A systematic study of the Japanese Chloropidae (Diptera)
C. Kehlmaier1998Data-basis for a check-list of all known Diptera-species from the Azores Archipelago (Insecta: Diptera)
L. P. Kelsey1981Chapter 38. Scenopinidae
C. A. Korytkowski1982La mosca minadora del arroz en el Peru, Hydrellia wirthi nueva especies (Diptera: Ephydridae)
V. A. Krivokhatskii, Nartshuk E. P.2001Flies (Diptera) inhabiting bird nests in the "Forest on the Vorskla River" nature reserve (Belgorod Province)
J. Krištofík1988Synanthropic Flies (Diptera) of the North-South Road System in Slovakia
G. - A. Kung2008Two new species of the Melaloncha ungulata group of bee-killing flies (Diptera: Phoridae)
D. Lacinia1999Ectoparasite Carnus hemapterus influences the mass growth rate of nestlings of European Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
L. Lange2014Die Gefiederfliege Carnus hemapterus (Diptera, Milichiidae) im Kreis Steinburg (Itzehoe, Schleswig-Holstein) auch am Uhu
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E. G. Lebrun, Feener, Jr. D. H.2002Linked indirect effects in ant-phorid interactions: Impacts on ant assemblage structure
M. J. Lesko, Smallwood J. A.2012Ectoparasites of American Kestrels in northwestern New Jersey and their relationship to nestling growth and survival
A. Liker, Márkus, M., Vozár, Á., Zemankovics, E.2001Distribution of Carnus hemapterus in a starling colony
C. Linnaeus1758Systema naturae
J. Lucientes, Ferrer-Dufol, M., Peribanez, M. A., Cracia-Salinas, M. J., Guerga-Penella, J. L., de Martin, M. I. Benito, Castillo, J. A.1996New record of Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch, 1818 (Cyclorrhapha: Carnidae) in Spain
T. C. Maa1968A new Carnus from Malaya (Diptera: Milichiidae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith