
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
A. Liker, Márkus, M., Vozár, Á., Zemankovics, E.2001Distribution of Carnus hemapterus in a starling colony
A. McGowan, Broderick, A. C., Deeming, J. C., Godley, B. J., Hancock, D. L.2001Dipteran infestation of loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green (Chelonia mydas) sea turtle nests in northern Cyprus
M. A. Metz, Thompson F. C.2001A revision of the larger species of Toxomerus (Diptera: Syrphidae) with description of a new species
E. P. Nartshuk2001Two new species of Siphunculina Rondani from South Africa (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha, Chloropidae)
A. L. Ozerov, Sueyoshi M.2001Two new species of Paradryomyza Ozerov (Diptera, Dryomyzidae) from Asia
L. Papp2001A review of the Asian species of Aldrichiomyza Hendel (Diptera: Milichiidae)
L. Papp2001A revision of the species of Paramyia Williston (Diptera, Milichiidae) with the description of a new genus
L. Papp2001Cyclorrhaphan flies new for the fauna of Hungary (Diptera)
A. Petrescu, Adam C.2001Interspecific relations in the populations of Merops apiaster L. (Aves: Coraciiformes) of southern Romania
A. Roulin, Riols, C., Dijkstra, C., Ducrest, A. L.2001Female plumage spottiness signals parasite resistance in the barn owl (Tyto alba)
M. Sueyoshi2001A revision of Japanese Sciomyzidae (Diptera), with descriptions of three new species
H. Ulrich, Schmelz R. M.2001Enchytraeidae a prey of Dolichopodidae, recent and in Baltic amber (Oligochaeta; Diptera)
T. Zatwarnicki, Mathis W. N.2001A generic classificaton of the tribe Discocerinini (Diptera: Ephydridae)
T. Zatwarnicki, Mathis W. N.2001A generic classification of the tribe Discocerinini (Diptera: Ephydridae)
S. A. Morehead2001Geographic variation in host location cues for a dipteran parasitoid of Paraponera clavata
S. A. Morehead, Seger, J., Feener, Jr., D. H., Brown, B. V.2001Evidence for a cryptic species complex in the ant parasitoid Apocephalus paraponerae (Diptera: Phoridae)
B. V. Brown2001Beginning to study the bee-killing flies, the parasitoid genus Melaloncha Brues
E. P. Nartshuk, Krivokhatsky V. A.2001Bird nest's consortia: insects as components of nest ecosystems
A. R. Baptista, Mathis W. N.2000Notes on the genus Cyamops Melander (Diptera: Periscelididae), including description of ten new species
F. A. Bisby2000The quiet revolution: Biodiversity informatics and the internet
I. Brake2000Phylogenetic systematics of the Milichiidae (Diptera, Schizophora)
M. Carles-Tolrá, C. Romera, G., Barrientos, J. A.2000Algunos dípteros capturados en un hayedo del Montseny mediante interceptores de vuelo (Diptera, Acalyptrata)
J. L. Edwards, Lane, M. A., Nielsen, E. S.2000Interoperability of biodiversity databases: Biodiversity information on every desktop
G. A. Foster, Mathis W. N.2000Notes on Neotropical species of Tethina Haliday (Diptera, Tethinidae)
S. M. Goodman2000A floral and faunal inventory of the Parc National de Marojejy, Madagascar: With reference to elevational variation
M. Iwasa2000Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch (Diptera, Carnidae) found from the external auditory meatus of human, new to Japan
L. Marinoni, Mathis W. N.2000A cladistic analysis of Sciomyzidae Fallén (Diptera)
W. N. Mathis, Edmiston J.2000A review of the Neotropical species of Brachydeutera Loew (Diptera: Ephydridae)
A. Petrescu, Adam C.2000Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch, 1818 (Diptera: Carnidae) parasite on Merops apiaster L. (Aves: Meropidae) in southern Romania
P. J. Schwendinger, Pape T.2000Metopia sinensis (Diptera, Sarcophagidae), an unusual predator of Liphistius (Araneae, Mesothelae) in northern Thailand
J. H. Stuke2000Phylogenetische Rekonstruktion der Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen innerhalb der Gattung Cheilosia Meigen, 1822 anhand der Larvenstadien (Diptera: Syrphidae)
T. A. Wheeler2000Carnidae of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador: description and phylogenetic relationships of a new species of Neotropical Meoneura Rondani, 1856 (Diptera: Carnidae)
E. O. Wilson2000A global biodiversity map
J. Ziegler, Menzel F.2000Die historische Dipteren-Sammlung Carl Friedrich Ketel. Revision einer zwischen 1884 und 1903 angelegten Sammlung von Zweiflüglern (Diptera) aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
B. G. Svensson, Petersson E.2000Swarm site fidelity in the sex role-reversed dance fly Empis borealis
D. H. Funk, Tallamy D. W.2000Courtship role reversal and deceptive signals in the long-tailed dance fly, Rhamphomyia longicauda
M. Smith2000The hornet robber fly Asilus crabroniformis: land use and livestock grazing regimes at sites in England
S. A. Morehead, Feener, Jr. D. H.2000An experimental test of potential host range in the ant parasitoid Apocephalus paraponerae
S. A. Morehead, Feener, Jr. D. H.2000Visual and chemical cues used in host location and acceptance by a dipteran parasitoid
B. V. Brown2000Revision of the "Apocephalus miricauda group" of ant-parasitizing flies (Diptera: Phoridae)
B. V. Brown2000Revision of the "Apocephalus miricauda - group" of ant-parasitizing flies (Diptera: Phoridae)
M. Erthal, Jr., Tonhasca, Jr. A.2000Biology and oviposition behavior of the phorid Apocephalus attophilus and the response of its host, the leaf-cutting ant Atta laevigata
W. G. Berendsohn, Anagnostopoulos, A., Hagedorn, G., Jakupovic, J., Nimis, P. L., Valdés, B., Güntsch, A., Pankhurst, R. J., White, R. J.1999A comprehensive reference model for biological collections and surveys
W. G. Berendsohn, Häuser, C. L., Lampe, K. - H.1999Biodiversitätsinformatik in Deutschland: Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven
I. Brake1999Prosaetomilichia de Meijere: a junior subjective synonym of Milichia Meigen, with a phylogenetic review of the M. myrmecophila species-group (Diptera, Milichiidae)
P. D. Cantino, Queiroz, K, de, Donoghue, M. J., Eriksson, T., Hillis, D. M., Lee, M. S. Y.1999Species names in phylogenetic nomenclature
U. Draeger, Scheurer S.1999The carbohydrate diet of Themira putris adults (Diptera: Sepsidae) living in a sewage treatment plant in Central Europe
R. L. Ferreira, Martins R. P.1999Trophic structure and natural history of bat guano invertebrate communities, with special reference to Brazilian caves
S. Harzsch, Benton, J., Dawirs, R. R., Belts, B.1999A new look at embryonic development of the visual system in Decapod Crustaceans: Neuropil formation, neurogenesis, and apoptotic cell death
M. Iwasa1999The genus Milichiella Giglio-Tos (Diptera, Milichiidae) of Japan


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith