
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
L. de Neve, Soler, J. J., Ruiz-Rodriguez, M., Martin-Galvez, D., Perez-Contreras, T., Soler, M.2007Habitat-specific effects of a food supplementation experiment on immunocompetence in Eurasian magpie Pica pica nestlings
J. C. Deeming, Báez M.1984Hemeromyia anthracina Collin (Dipt., Carnidae) in the Canary Islands
F. Hendel1920Hemeromyia Coquillet, eine für Europa neue Fliegengattung (Milichiidae)
I. S. Winkler, Rung, A., Scheffer, S. J.2010Hennig's orphans revisited: testing morphological hypotheses in the 'Opomyzoidea' (Diptera: Schizophora)
M. E. Mankowski, Morrell J. J.2003Incidence of Apocephalus horridus in colonies of Camponotus vicinus and the effect of antibiotic/antimycotic mixtures on fly emergence (Diptera: Phoridae; Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
G. E. Bohart, Nye W. P.1960Insect pollinators of carrots in Utah
C. W. Sabrosky1962Insects of Macquarie Island. Diptera: Chloropidae, Milichiidae
F. Valera, Casas-Criville, A., Hoi, H.2003Interspecific parasite exchange in a mixed colony of birds
A. Petrescu, Adam C.2001Interspecific relations in the populations of Merops apiaster L. (Aves: Coraciiformes) of southern Romania
M. A. Calero-Torralbo, Vaclav, R., Valera, F.2013Intra-specific variability in life-cycle synchronization of an ectoparasitic fly to its avian host
Philips, JR, Dindal D. L.1990Invertebrate populations in the nests of a screech owl (Otus asio) and an American kestrel (Falco sparverius) in central New York
C. A. Korytkowski1982La mosca minadora del arroz en el Peru, Hydrellia wirthi nueva especies (Diptera: Ephydridae)
B. V. Brown, Feener, Jr. D. H.1991Life history parameters and description of the larva of Apocephalus paraponerae (Diptera: Phoridae), a parasitoid of the giant tropical ant Paraponera clavata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
B. V. Brown1994Life history parameters and new host records of phorid (Diptera: Phoridae) parasitoids of fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
F. Valera, Martín-Vivaldi, M., Carles-Tolrá, M.2006Life-history variation in three coexisting species of carnid flies (Diptera: Carnidae), Carnus hemapterus, Hemeromyia anthracina and Hemeromyia longirostris
E. G. Lebrun, Feener, Jr. D. H.2002Linked indirect effects in ant-phorid interactions: Impacts on ant assemblage structure
M. A. W. Hornsby, Fairn, E. R., Barber, C. A.2013Male European starlings do not use egg spots as a cue to adjust investment in nestlings
I. Brake2010Milichiidae of the Lake Kerkini region in Greece
S. P. Gaponov2003Morphology and evolution of flies’ eggs (Diptera) [in Russian]
R. H. L. Disney2008Natural history of the scuttle fly, Megaselia scalaris.
R. Vaclav, Betáková, T., Švančarová, P., Pérez-Serrano, J., Criado-Fornelio, Á., Škorvanová, L., Valera, F.2016Nest ecology of blood parasites in the European roller and its ectoparasitic carnid fly
J. A. Fargallo, Blanco, G., Potti, J., Vinuela, J.2001Nestbox provisioning in a rural population of Eurasian Kestrels: breeding performance, nest predation and parasitism
T. Borgmeier1958Neue Beitraege zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Phoriden (Diptera, Phoridae)
H. Schmitz1915Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der myrmecophilen und termitophilen Phoriden (Nr. 16 bis 22). Neue Phoriden aus Vorderindien gesammelt von J. Assmuth S.J. Bombay)
R. Frey1935Neue Diptera brachycera aus Finnland und angrenzenden Ländern III
F. Hendel1907Neue und interessante Dipteren aus dem kaiserlichen Museum in Wien
D. W. Coquillett1902New acalyptrate Diptera from North America
M. Carles-Tolrá1992New and interesting records of Diptera Acalyptrata from Spain. Part I: Acartophthalmidae, Opomyzidae, Anthomyzidae, Asteiidae, Carnidae, Tethinidae, Milichiidae and Cryptochetidae
P. G. Strobl1902New contributions on the dipterous fauna of the Balkan peninsula. [In Russian]
T. Borgmeier1969New or little-known phorid flies, of the Neotropical Region (Diptera, Phoridae)
J. Lucientes, Ferrer-Dufol, M., Peribanez, M. A., Cracia-Salinas, M. J., Guerga-Penella, J. L., de Martin, M. I. Benito, Castillo, J. A.1996New record of Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch, 1818 (Cyclorrhapha: Carnidae) in Spain
L. Papp2006New records of Diptera species from Hungary, with the list of the Hungarian Scathophagidae
J. V. G. Hill, Brown B. V.2006New records of the rarely collected ant-decapitating fly Apocephalus tenuipes Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae)
R. Henry, Disney, L., Berghoff, S. M.2007New species and new records of scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) associated with army ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Panama
L. Gonzalez, Brown B. V.2004New species and records of Melaloncha (Udamochiras) bee-killing flies (Diptera: Phoridae)
L. Papp2013New species and records of Meoneura Rondani, 1856 from the old world tropics (Diptera, Carnidae)
L. Papp1981New species and taxonomical data of the palaearctic Lauxaniidae and Carnidae (Diptera)
M. Carles-Tolrá1992New species of Carnidae and Lauxaniidae (Diptera) from Spain
G. C. Steyskal1969New species of Empididae of the genera Empis, Hilara, and Hormopeza from Georgia, with a synopsis of the North American species of Hormopeza
F. Gregor1971New species of Mycetaulus Loew (Piophilidae) and Meoneura Rond. (Milichiidae) from Hindukush (Diptera)
A. L. Ozerov, Krivosheina M. G.2013New species of the genus Meoneura Rondani, 1856 (Diptera, Carnidae) from Kazakhstan
B. G. Svensson, Petersson E.1988Non-random mating in the dance fly Empis borealis: the importance of male choice
B. G. Svensson, Petersson, E., Frisk, M.1990Nuptial gift size prolongs copulation duration in the dance fly Empis borealis.
J. O. Westwood1851Observations on the destructive species of dipterous insects known in Africa under the names of the tsetse, zimb and tsaltsalya, and on their supposed connexion with the fourth plague of Eygpt
M. A. L. Braganca, Medeiros Z. C. S.2006Occurrence and biological characteristics of parasitoid phorids (Diptera: Phoridae) of the leaf-cutting ant Atta laevigata (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Porto Nacional, TO, Brazil
P. C. Barnard2011Order Diptera: the true flies
A. Roulin, Christe, P., Dijkstra, C., Ducrest, A. - L., Jungi, T. W.2007Origin-related, environmental, sex, and age determinants of immunocompetence, susceptibility to ectoparasites, and disease symptoms in the barn owl
E. P. Nartshuk2000Outbreaks of carnivorous fly Thaumatomyia notata Meigen (Diptera: Chloropidae) and their periodicity
R. E. Carleton, Mertins, J. W., Yabsley, M. J.2012Parasites and Pathogens of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis): A Field Survey of a Population Nesting Within a Grass-Dominated Agricultural Habitat in Georgia, USA, with a Review of Previous Records
B. V. Brown1997Parasitic phorid flies: a previously unrecognized cost to aggregation behavior of male stingless bees


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith