
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
B. V. Brown1994Life history parameters and new host records of phorid (Diptera: Phoridae) parasitoids of fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
G. W. Courtney1994Biosystematics of the Nymphomyiidae (Insecta: Diptera): life history, morphology and phylogenetic relationships
U. Bröring, Dahmen, R., Haeseler, V., Lemm, Rv., Niedringhaus, R., Schultz, W.1993Dokumentation der Daten zur Flora und Fauna terrestrischer Systeme im Niedersächsischen Wattenmeer Nr. 2, Band 2
M. Carles-Tolrá1993Algunas especies de dípteros nuevas o interesantes para España peninsular (Diptera, Acalyptratae)
M. Carles-Tolrá1993Estudio faunístico de los dípteros acalípteros pirenaicos (Huesca, España)
M. Carles-Tolrá1993A new species of Geomyza, with new acalyptrate records to the Iberian Peninsula (Diptera, Acalyptrata)
M. Carles-Tolrá, Garanto, O., Checa, J. I.1993Nuevas citas y datos de dípteros acalípteros para España (Diptera: Acalyptrata)
M. Carles-Tolrá, Isern-Vallverdu, J., Pedrocchi-Renault, C.1993Estudio faunístico de los dípteros acalípteros pirenaicos (Huesca, España)
A. Freidberg, Kaplan F.1993A study of Afreutreta Bezzi and related genera (Diptera: Tephritidae: Tephritinae)
A. Froese1993Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie und Biologie von Philygria spp. (Diptera, Ephydridae)
D. A. Grimaldi1993The care and study of fossiliferous amber
R. D. Hall, Doisy K. E.1993Length of time after death: Effect on attraction and oviposition or larviposition of midsummer blow flies (Calliphoridae) and flesh flies (Sarcophagidae) of medicological importance in Missouri
M. Kotrba1993Das Reproduktionssystem von Cyrtodiopsis whitei Curran (Diopsidae, Diptera) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der inneren weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane
A. C. R. Leite, Guevara J. D. E.1993SEM of the larval instars of Cochliomyia hominivorax
W. N. Mathis1993A revision of the shore-fly genera Hostis Cresson and Paratissa Coquillett (Diptera: Ephydridae)
W. N. Mathis, Zatwarnicki T.1993Revision of the shore-fly genus Chlorichaeta Becker (Diptera: Ephydridae)
W. N. Mathis, Zatwarnicki, T., Krivosheina, M. G.1993Studies of Gymnomyzinae (Diptera: Ephydridae), V: A revision of the shore-fly genus Mosillus Latreille
E. P. Nartshuk1993Relationships of Palaearctic and Nearctic faunas of Diptera (Chloropidae)
L. Papp1993Flies (Diptera) on and in pasture dung in Hungary: a further contribution
L. Papp1993Three new milichiid species from Hungary
J. Rohacek, Freidberg A.1993The Anthomyzidae (Diptera) of Israel, with revision of Anagnota Becker
B. J. Sinclair, Cumming, J. M., Wood, D. M.1993Homology and phylogenetic implications of male genitalia in diptera - lower Brachycera
K. Sternberg1993First record of commensal flies, Desmometopa sp., on a dragonfly, Cordulegaster boltonii (Donovan)
B. M. Wiegmann, Mitter, C., Thompson, F. C.1993Evolutionary origin of the Cyclorrhapha (Diptera): Tests of alternative morphological hypotheses
B. V. Brown1993Taxonomy and preliminary phylogeny of the parasitic genus Apocephalus, subgenus Mesophora (Diptera: Phoridae)
M. Carles-Tolrá1992New species of Carnidae and Lauxaniidae (Diptera) from Spain
M. Carles-Tolrá1992New and interesting records of Diptera Acalyptrata from Spain. Part I: Acartophthalmidae, Opomyzidae, Anthomyzidae, Asteiidae, Carnidae, Tethinidae, Milichiidae and Cryptochetidae
M. Carles-Tolrá1992Meoneura flabella sp. n., a new carnid species from Spain
R. Feldmann1992Die Bodenmakrofauna im Lennebergwald. 1. Die Dipteren
A. Freidberg, Kaplan F.1992Revision of the Oedaspidini of the Afrotropical region (Diptera: Tephritidae: Tephritinae)
A. Froese1992Zur Morphologie und Ökologie von Metopina oligoneura Mik (Diptera, Phoridae)
W. N. Mathis1992World catalog of the Beach-Fly family Canacidae (Diptera)
W. N. Mathis, Papp L.1992A new genus of Periscelididae (Diptera) from the Neotropics
L. Munari, Canzoneri S.1992Polimorfismo postabdominale e variabilità chetocromatica in Tethina (Tethina) albosetulosa (Strobl, 1900) con proposta di alcune nuove sinonimie e descrizione di Tethina (Tethina) inopinata sp. nov. (Diptera, Tethinidae)
A. L. Ozerov1992Xenophyllomyza deserticola new genus new species from Turkmenistan
L. Papp1992Fly communities in pasture dung: Some results and problems (Diptera)
L. Papp1992Flies (Diptera) visiting human faeces in mountain creek valleys in Hungary
Queiroz, K, de, Gauthier J.1992Phylogenetic taxonomy
J. Rohacek1992Tethinidae (Diptera) of Czechoslovakia: A faunistic survey
R. Rozkosny, Vanhara J.1992Diptera (Brachycera) of the agricultural landscape in southern Moravia
I. Ruiz-Martinez1992Abdominal spot pattern
K. Schoenly1992A statistical analysis of successional patterns in carrion-arthropod assemblages
B. J. Sinclair1992A phylogenetic interpretation of the Brachycera (Diptera) based on the larval mandible and associated mouthpart structures
M. von Tschirnhaus1992Minier- und Halmfliegen (Agromyzidae, Chloropidae) und 52 weitere Familien (Diptera) aus Malaise-Fallen in Kiesgruben und einem Vorstadtgarten in Köln
T. Zatwarnicki1992A new classificaton of Ephydridae based on phylogenetic reconstruction (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha)
B. G. Svensson, Petersson E.1992Why insects swarm: testing the models for lek mating systems on swarming Empis borealis females
T. Eisner, Eisner, M., Deyrup, M.1991Chemical attraction of kleptoparasitic flies to heteropteran insects caught by orb-weaving spiders
A. Freidberg1991A new species of Ceratitis (Ceratitis) (Diptera: Tephritidae), key to species of subgenera Ceratitis and Pterandrus, and record of Pterandrus fossil
A. Freidberg, Knutson, L., Abercrombie, J.1991A revision of Sepedonea, a Neotropical genus of snail-killing flies (Diptera: Sciomyzidae)
N. P. Krivosheina1991Phylogeny of lower Brachycera (Diptera), a new view


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith