
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
H. Audcent1934Bristol Insect Fauna. Diptera (Part VII and last)
Carles-Tolrá, M.1995Dípters
T. Becker1907Desmometopa
T. Becker1902Die Meigen'schen Typen der sogenannten Muscidae acalypterae (Muscaria holometopa) in Paris und Wien
H. Beuthin1887Erster Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dipteren der Umgegend von Hamburg
I. Brake1999Milichiidae
I. Brake2000Milichiidae
W. S. Bristowe1941The comity of spiders
W. S. Bristowe1931Notes on the biology of spiders. VII. Flies that triumph over spiders
R. L. Coe1968A further collection of Diptera from Yugoslavia
R. L. Coe1962Diptera taken in Yugoslavia from May to July, 1955, with localities and notes. Part four
M. D. Coffey1966Studies on the association of flies (Diptera) with dung in southeastern Washington
J. E. Collin1911Additions and corrections to the British list of Muscidae Acalyptratae
F. L. S. Curtis1837A guide to an arrangement of British Insects: being a catalogue of all the named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland. Second Edition, Greatly enlarged
F. L. S. Curtis1831A guide to an arrangement of British Insects; being a catalogue of all named species hitherto discovered in Great Britain and Ireland
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F. Hendel1911Über von Prof. J. M. Aldrich erhaltene und einige andere amerikanische Dipteren
M. Iwasa1996The genus Desmometopa Loew (Diptera, Milichiidae) of Japan
J. C. Jacobs1906Diptères de la Belgique
C. W. Johnson1927Part I. The insect fauna with references to the flora and other biological features
C. W. Johnson1925Fauna of New England. 15. List of the Diptera or two-winged flies
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G. S. Kloet, Hincks W. D.1945A check list of British insects
F. Kowarz1894Verzeichnis der Insekten Böhmen's
F. Kowarz1873Beitrag zur Dipteren-Fauna Ungarns
H. Kramer1921Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lausitzer Dipteren
H. Kramer1917Die Musciden der Oberlausitz
P. Lioy1863I ditteri distribuiti secondo un nuovo metodo di classificazione naturale
C. Lundström1906Om Desmometopa-arternas snyltgästning hos spindlar och rofinsecter
J. C. H. de Meijere1928Vierde supplement op de nieuwe naamlijst van Nederlandische Diptera
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H. Oldroyd1964The Natural History of Flies
L. Papp1995Dipterous assemblages of sheep-run droppings in Hungary (Diptera) I: Qualitative results
L. Papp1992Fly communities in pasture dung: Some results and problems (Diptera)
L. Papp1978Species of nine acalyptrate fly families from Tunisia
L. Papp1981Lauxaniidae, Periscelididae, Asteiidae, Aulacigastridae, Diastatidae, Camillidae, Odiniidae, Milichiidae and Carnidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae) in the Hortobágy
P. de Peyerimhoff1917Phorésie et commensalisme chez les Desmometopa
W. Procter1946Part VII. The insect fauna with references to methods of capture, food plants, the flora and other biological features
W. Procter1938Part VI. The insect fauna with references to methods of capture, food plants, the flora and other biological features
E. Rabaud1924Le commensalisme de Desmometopa sordida Fallén
O. Ringdahl1951Flugor från Lapplands, Jämtlands och Härjedalens fjälltrakter (Diptera Brachycera)
J. Rohacek, Barták M.2001Milichiidae
von Roser1840Erster Nachtrag zu dem im Jahre 1834 bekannt gemachten Verzeichnisse in Württemberg vorkommender zweiflügeliger Insekten
F. Rossi1848Systematisches Verzeichniss der zweiflügelichten Insecten (Diptera) des Erzherzogthumes Österreich mit Angabe des Standortes, der Flugzeit und einigen andern physiologischen Bemerkungen
C. W. Sabrosky1965East African Milichiidae and Chloropidae (Diptera)
J. Sivinski1985Mating by kleptoparasitic flies (Diptera: Chloropidae) on a spider host
P. G. Strobl1910Die Dipteren von Steiermark. II. Nachtrag
P. G. Strobl1906Spanische Dipteren II
P. G. Strobl1900Dipterenfauna von Bosnien, Hercegovina und Dalmatien
P. G. Strobl1898Fauna Ditera Bosne, Hercegovine i Dalmatije. [In Serbo-Croatian]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith