
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
T. Becker1907Die Dipteren-Gruppe Milichiinae
T. Becker1903Aegyptische Dipteren (Fortsetzung und Schluß)
M. Buck, Marshall S. A.2007Enigmocarnus chloropiformis gen. et sp. nov., and parallel evolution of protandrial symmetry in Carnidae (Diptera)
J. E. Collin1949Results of the Armstrong College Expedition to Siwa Oasis (Libyan Desert), 1935, under the leadership of Prof. J. Omer-Cooper. Diptera Empididae, Dolichopodidae, Aschiza and Acalypterae
J. E. Collin1937Two new species of the genus Meoneura (Diptera, Carnidae)
J. E. Collin1930Some species of the genus Meoneura (Diptera)
D. W. Coquillett1902New acalyptrate Diptera from North America
J. C. Deeming1997The first endemic species of Meoneura Rondani (Diptera: Carnidae) to South Africa
J. C. Deeming1976Three new species of Meoneura Rondani (Diptera: Milichiidae) from northern Nigeria
J. C. Deeming, Báez M.1984Hemeromyia anthracina Collin (Dipt., Carnidae) in the Canary Islands
O. Duda1936Weitere neue afrikanische und orientalische Musciden (Dipt.) des British Museum
C. F. Fallén1823Agromyzides Sveciae
A. Fitch1856First and second report on the noxious, beneficial and other insects of the State of New York
A. Fitch1856Reports on noxious, benefical and other insects of the State of New York. (II)
R. Frey1935Neue Diptera brachycera aus Finnland und angrenzenden Ländern III
F. Gregor1973Two new species of the genus Meoneura Rondani from Czechoslovakia
F. Gregor1971New species of Mycetaulus Loew (Piophilidae) and Meoneura Rond. (Milichiidae) from Hindukush (Diptera)
F. Gregor, Papp L.1981Czechoslovak species of the genus Meoneura with description of Meoneura moravica sp. n
D. A. Grimaldi1997The bird flies, genus Carnus: Species revision, generic relationships, and a fossil Meoneura in Amber (Diptera: Carnidae)
W. Hennig1972Beiträge zur Kenntnis der rezenten und fossilen Carnidae, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung einer neuen Gattung aus Chile
W. Hennig1948Eine neue Art der Gattung Meoneura aus den Niederen Tauern
M. Iwasa2000Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch (Diptera, Carnidae) found from the external auditory meatus of human, new to Japan
T. C. Maa1968A new Carnus from Malaya (Diptera: Milichiidae)
J. R. Malloch1915Four new North American Diptera
J. R. Malloch1913A synopsis of the genera of Agromyzidae, with descriptions of new genera and species
A. L. Ozerov2008Three new species of Carnidae and Piophilidae (Diptera) from Turkey and Russia
L. Papp2006New records of Diptera species from Hungary, with the list of the Hungarian Scathophagidae
L. Papp1981New species and taxonomical data of the palaearctic Lauxaniidae and Carnidae (Diptera)
C. W. Sabrosky1959The Nearctic species of the filth fly genus Meoneura (Diptera, Milichiidae)
P. G. Strobl1902New contributions on the dipterous fauna of the Balkan peninsula. [In Russian]
M. Carles-Tolrá1992New species of Carnidae and Lauxaniidae (Diptera) from Spain
M. Carles-Tolrá, Ventura D.2002Two new Meoneura Rondani species from Spain (Diptera, Carnidae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith