
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
J. C. Deeming1981Some new African Milichiidae (Diptera: Cyclorrapha) having pronounced sexual dimorphism of the frons
L. Papp1981Lauxaniidae, Periscelididae, Asteiidae, Aulacigastridae, Diastatidae, Camillidae, Odiniidae, Milichiidae and Carnidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae) in the Hortobágy
L. de Santis1981Dos notas sobre insectos bonaerenses polinizadores de la alfalfa y sus parasitoides
W. Hackman1980A check list of the Finnish Diptera. II. Cyclorrhapha
D. E. Hardy, Delfinado M. D.1980Family Milichiidae
A. N. T. Joseph, Parui P.1980Filth inhabiting flies (Diptera) of Calcutta City
C. W. Sabrosky198075. Family Milichiidae
J. Sivinski, Stowe M.1980A kleptoparasitic Cecidomyiid and other flies associated with spiders
D. A. Waller1980Leaf-cutting ants and leaf-riding flies
P. H. Arnaud1979A catalogue of the types of Diptera in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences
W. Büttiker, Attiah, M. D., Pont, A. C.1979Diptera: Synanthropic Flies
J. C. Deeming1979A new giant species of Milichia Meigen from Central Africa
W. Hackman, Meinander M.1979Diptera feeding as larvae on macrofungi in Finland
L. Papp1979Milichiidae and Carnidae from Afghanistan
C. W. Sabrosky1979Faune entomologique de l'archipel des Comores
A. Teson, Dagoberto E. L.1979Asociacion de insectos y ácaros con Megachile gomphrena y M. pollefacta (Hymenoptera) de la provincia de Buenos Aires
ICZN1978Opinion 1112: Madiza Fallén 1810: designation of a type species under the plenary powers
W. W. Judd1978Insects associated with flowering bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis L., at Fanshawe Lake, Ontario
C. O'Toole1978Ants, bees and wasps (aculeate Hymenoptera)
L. Papp1978Species of nine acalyptrate fly families from Tunisia
L. Papp1978Some cavernicolous Diptera of the Geneva Museum
R. Rozkosny1978Faunistic records from Czechoslovakia. Diptera, Stratiomyidae, Milichiidae, Muscidae
L. Papp1977New species and records of Hungarian Odiniidae, Milichiidae and Carnidae (Diptera)
L. Papp1977Notes on some Becker's Types (Diptera, Carnidae and Risidae fam. n.)
M. H. Robinson, Robinson B.1977Associations between flies and spiders: Bibiocommensalism and dipsoparasitism?
Sabrosky, C. W.1977Family Milichiidae
Sabrosky, C. W.1977Family Carnidae
K. Valley1977First records of Meoneura vagans from the Northeastern United States (Diptera: Milichiidae)
N. Wilson, Bull E.1977Ectoparasites found in the nest cavities of Pileated Woodpeckers in Oregon
J. C. Deeming1976Four new short-faced species of the genus Milichia Meigen with a key to the Nigerian members of the group (Diptera: Milichiidae)
J. C. Deeming1976Three new species of Meoneura Rondani (Diptera: Milichiidae) from northern Nigeria
G. S. Kloet, Hincks W. D.1976A check list of British insects. Second Edition (Completely revised). Part 5: Diptera and Siphonaptera
G. Morge1976Beiträge zur Kenntnis von Typen-Exemplaren und wenig bekannten Dipteren-Arten - II
A. Bertsch1975Blüten-lockende Signale
W. E. Bickley, Seek T. R.1975Insects in four Maryland marshes
W. Büttiker1975Die Gefiederfliege Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch (Milichiidae, Dipt.) in der Schweiz
D. E. Hardy1975Desmometopa spp
D. E. Hardy1975Neophyllomyza sp.? Possibly quadricornis Melander
V. Beschovski1975The Black Sea coast inundated by waves and its dipterous fauna (Diptera - Brachycera)
P. H. Arnaud1974Insects and a mite associated with stored Cannabis sativa Linnaeus
W. Büttiker, Aeschlimann A.1974Die Ektoparasiten der schweizerischen Vögel
D. H. Colless, McAlpine D. K.197434. Diptera (Flies)
E. Lindner1974Zur Kenntnis der Dipteren-Fauna Südwestafrikas, III. Diptera Acalyptratae
R. Sugawara, Muto T.1974Attraction of several dipterous insects to aliphatic esters (Diptera: Milichiidae, Chloropidae and Ceratopogonidae)
S. L. Campos, Pena G. L. E.1973Los insectos de isla de Pascua (Resultados de une prospeccion entomologica)
K. J. Capelle, Whitworth T. L.1973The distribution and avian hosts of Carnus hemapterus (Diptera: Milichiidae) in North America
D. E. Hardy1973Note: Desmometopa inaurata
C. W. Sabrosky1973Family Milichiidae
C. W. Sabrosky1973Madiza Fallén, 1810 (Diptera, Milichiidae): Proposed designation of type-species, under the plenary powers Z. N. (S.) 2040
J. B. Beavers, McGovern, T. P., Beroza, M., Sutton,1972Synthetic attractants for some dipteran species


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith