
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
B. V. Brown1996A further species of Apocephalus, subgenus Mesophora (Diptera, Phoridae) parasitic on stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae)
B. V. Brown1996Preliminary analysis of a host shift: revision of the Neotropical species of Apocephalus, subgenus Mesophora (Diptera: Phoridae)
K. Hövemeyer1996Die Dipterengemeinschaft eines Halbtrockenrasens und einer Hecke im südniedersächsischen Bergland: eine vergleichende Untersuchung
J. Lucientes, Ferrer-Dufol, M., Peribanez, M. A., Cracia-Salinas, M. J., Guerga-Penella, J. L., de Martin, M. I. Benito, Castillo, J. A.1996New record of Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch, 1818 (Cyclorrhapha: Carnidae) in Spain
L. E. O. Braack1996Arthropods associated with carcasses in the northern Kruger National Park
J. R. Aldrich1995Chemical communication in the Tree Bugs and parasitoid exploitation
J. R. Aldrich, Barros T. M.1995Chemical attraction of male crab spiders (Araneae, Thomisidae) and kleptoparasitic flies (Diptera, Milichiidae and Chloropidae)
J. A. Barrientos1995El patrimoni biològic del Montseny
M. Barták1995Diptera communities of "Osecká" dump near Duchcov and its environment
A. Bear, Freidberg A.1995Contribution to the knowledge of the Ornithomyini of Israel (Diptera: Hippoboscidae)
I. Brake1995Ökologische Untersuchungen an Carnidae (Diptera: Schizophora) auf der Nordseeinsel Mellum
S. Canzoneri, Gorodkov, K., Krivosheina, N. P., Munari, L., Nartshuk, E. P., Papp, L., Süss, L.1995Diptera Opomyzoidea, Carnoidea, Sphaeroceroidea
Carles-Tolrá, M.1995Dípters
M. Carles-Tolrá1995Nuevas citas de dípteros acalipteros para las Islas Baleares, junto con una lista preliminar de once familias (Diptera: Acalyptrata)
J. M. Cumming, Sinclair, B. J., Wood, D. M.1995Homology and phylogenetic implications of male genitalia in Diptera - Eremoneura
J. C. Deeming1995Diptera (true flies) from the Kenfig National Nature Reserve, Glamorgan
A. Freidberg1995A study of Zaleinae, a taxon transitional between Canacidae and Tethinidae (Diptera), with the description of a new genus and species
A. Freidberg, Mansell M. W.1995Procedidochares utilis Stone (Diptera: Tephritidae: Oedaspidini) in South Africa
D. A. Grimaldi1995On the age of Dominican amber
D. A. Grimaldi, Amorim D. S.1995A basal new species of Olbiogaster (Diptera: Anisopodidae) in Dominican Amber, and its systematic placement
M. Iwasa, Hori, K., Aoki, N.1995Fly fauna of bird nests in Hokkaido, Japan (Diptera)
W. N. Mathis1995Studies of Gymnomyzinae (Diptera: Ephydridae), VI: A revision of the genus Glenanthe Haliday from the New World
W. N. Mathis1995Shore flies of the Galápagos Islands (Diptera: Ephydridae)
W. N. Mathis, Zatwarnicki T.1995World catalog of shore flies (Diptera: Ephydridae)
A. L. Ozerov1995A new species and new synonymy in the genus Meoneura (Diptera: Carnidae). [Translation of 1994]
L. Papp1995Dipterous assemblages of sheep-run droppings in Hungary (Diptera) I: Qualitative results
A. C. Pont1995The type-material of Diptera (Insecta) described by G.H. Verrall and J.E. Collin
N. Rao, Mathis W. N.1995A revision of the shore-fly genus Rhysophora Cresson (Diptera: Ephydridae)
J. Rohacek1995Habitat, biology and immature stages of Milichiella argyrogaster (Diptera, Milichiidae)
E. Schmidt1995Zur Ektoparasitenfauna des Rotmilans (Milvus milvus) - Die Gefiederfliege Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch, 1818 (Diptera, Milichiidae)
B. J. Sinclair, McAlpine D. K.1995Zinza, a new genus of Rhinotorine flies from Northern Queensland, Australia (Diptera: Heleomyzidae)
T. A. Wheeler1995Systematics of the New World Rachispoda Lioy (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae): Morphology, key to species groups, and revisions of the atra, fuscipennis, limosa and vespertina species group
D. K. Yeates1995Groundplans and exemplars: Paths to the tree of life
H. - G. Rudzinski1995Zum Vorkommen von Dipteren auf einem Hausbalkon. Teil III: Brachycera
A. R. Baptista, Mathis W. N.1994A revision of New World Cyamops Melander (Diptera: Periscelididae)
D. A. Barraclough1994Hemeromyia australis sp. n. and Meoneura prima (Becker, 1903) from Namibia and South Africa, the first Carnidae (Dipera: Schizophora) recorded from subequatorial Africa
V. L. Beshosvki1994Contribution to the study of the West Palaearctic Tethinidae (Diptera)
V. L. Beshosvki1994Tethina subpunctata sp. nov. a new species from Tunisia (Diptera, Tethinidae)
M. Carles-Tolrá1994Lista preliminar de 34 familias de dípteros acalípteros de Cataluña (España) (Diptera Acalyptrata)
C. A. Driscoll, Condon M. A.1994Labellar modifications of Blepharoneura (Diptera: Tephritidae): Neotropical fruit flies that damage and feed on plant surfaces
A. Fain, Grootaert P.1994Four new species of larval Microtrombiidae (Acari) parasitic on Diptera (Insecta) from Papua New Guinea and Brunei (Borneo)
A. Freidberg1994A second species of Notommoides Hancock, 1986, with a re-desription of the type-species (Diptera Tephritidae Trypetinae)
A. Freidberg1994A new palaearctic species of Xenasteia Hardy (Diptera: Xenasteidae)
A. Freidberg1994Nemula, a new genus of Neminidae (Diptera) from Madagascar
G. C. D. Griffiths1994Relationships among the major subgroups of Brachycera (Diptera): A critical review
H. Y. Han, Freidberg A.1994Pseudomyoleja, a new afrotropical genus of Tephritidae (Diptera)
L. Hedström1994Hur många arter av myggor och flugor har vi i Sverige?
N. P. Krivosheina1994Necrobiont flies and their significance to forensic entomology
A. Lachmann1994Struktur und Evolution der Fortpflanzungsorgane und Fortpflanzungssysteme von fünf Coproica-Arten (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae)
W. N. Mathis1994A revision of the shore-fly genus Clasiopella Hendel (Diptera: Ephydridae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith