
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
M. Rothschild, Clay T.1957Fleas, flukes & cuckoos; a study of bird parasites
U. Maschwitz, Schönegge P.1980Fliegen als Beute- und Bruträuber bei Ameisen
U. Maschwitz1981Fliegen als Wegelagerer und Parasiten bei Ameisen
E. O. Engel1930Fliegenmaden im Schnupftabak (Meoneura obscurella Fall.)
L. Papp1985Flies (Diptera) developing in sheep droppings in Hungary
A. L. Ozerov1986Flies (Diptera) in ecosystems of South Siberia and Far East
V. A. Krivokhatskii, Nartshuk E. P.2001Flies (Diptera) inhabiting bird nests in the "Forest on the Vorskla River" nature reserve (Belgorod Province)
L. Papp1993Flies (Diptera) on and in pasture dung in Hungary: a further contribution
L. Papp1992Flies (Diptera) visiting human faeces in mountain creek valleys in Hungary
B. Greenberg1971Flies and disease, Vol. I. Ecology, classification and biotic associations
C. N. Colyer, Hammond D. C. O.1968Flies of the British Isles
J. Stockner1980Flugaktivität und Flugrhythmik von Insekten oberhalb der Waldgrenze (Zentralalpen: Obergurgl, Tirol)
O. Ringdahl1951Flugor från Lapplands, Jämtlands och Härjedalens fjälltrakter (Diptera Brachycera)
H. Andersson1985Flugor som lever på fåglar och i fågelbon. Flies (Diptera Brachycera) living on birds or in bird's nests
L. Papp1992Fly communities in pasture dung: Some results and problems (Diptera)
J. Ollerton, Masinde, P. S., Meve, U., Picker, M., Whittington, A.2009Fly pollination in Ceropegia (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae): biogeographic and phylogenetic perspectives
W. Hennig1954Flügelgeäder und Systematik der Dipteren, unter Berücksichtigung der aus dem Mesozoikum beschriebenen Formen
G. C. D. Griffiths1984For discussion on "Male Genitalia in the Classification of Chloropidae", XVII Int. Congr. of Ent., Hamburg, Aug. 1984
J. R. Malloch1914Formosan Agromyzidae
M. von Tschirnhaus, Hoffeins C.2009Fossil flies in Baltic amber - insights in the diversity of Tertiary Acalyptratae (Diptera, Schizophora), with new morphological characters and a key based on 1,000 collected inclusions
M. Carles-Tolrá2008Four new acalyptrate dipterous species from Spain (Diptera: Camillidae, Carnidae and Sciomyzidae)
J. R. Malloch1915Four new North American Diptera
J. C. Deeming1976Four new short-faced species of the genus Milichia Meigen with a key to the Nigerian members of the group (Diptera: Milichiidae)
A. Fain, Grootaert P.1994Four new species of larval Microtrombiidae (Acari) parasitic on Diptera (Insecta) from Papua New Guinea and Brunei (Borneo)
J. Rohacek1996Fourth supplement to the acalyptrate Diptera fauna of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
M. Aluja, Norrbom A. L.2000Fruit Flies (Tephritidae): Phylogeny and evolution of behaviour
M. Solinas, Nuzzaci G.1984Functional anatomy of Dacus oleae Gmel. female genitalia in relation to insemination and fertilization process
L. Papp2003Further additions and corrections to the Hungarian checklist (Diptera)
W. L. McAtee1929Further notes on insect inhabitants of bird houses
C. W. Sabrosky1943Further notes on Madiza (Diptera)
G. S. Graham-Smith1930Further observations on the anatomy and function of the proboscis of the blow fly Calliphora erythrocephala L
G. C. Steyskal1953Futher notes on Diptera of tree trunks with descriptions of two new species of Drapetis (Diptera; Empididae) and an abstract of a Finnish paper on Diptera by Tuomikoski
A. Roulin1999Fécondité de la mouche Carnus hemapterus, ectoparasite des jeunes Chouettes effraies Tyto alba
K. G. V. Smith, Davies R. G.1965Gland-like abdominal structures of possible epigamic function in the Diptera
D. K. Yeates1995Groundplans and exemplars: Paths to the tree of life
F. Hendel1913H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute. Acalyptrate Musciden (Dipt.) II
F. Hendel1914H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute. Acalyptrate Musciden (Dipt.) III
J. Rohacek1995Habitat, biology and immature stages of Milichiella argyrogaster (Diptera, Milichiidae)
R. Kontermann1980Haftorgane von Insekten
F. X. Williams1931Handbook of the insects and other invertebrates of Hawaiian sugar cane fields
C. O. Farquharson1919Harpagomyia and other Diptera fed by Cremastogaster ants in S. Nigeria
E. B. Poulton1919Harpagomyia and other Diptera fed by Crematogaster ants in S. Nigeria
G. M. Nishida1992Hawaiian terrestrial arthropod checklist
J. C. Deeming, Báez M.1984Hemeromyia anthracina Collin (Dipt., Carnidae) in the Canary Islands
D. A. Barraclough1994Hemeromyia australis sp. n. and Meoneura prima (Becker, 1903) from Namibia and South Africa, the first Carnidae (Dipera: Schizophora) recorded from subequatorial Africa
F. Hendel1920Hemeromyia Coquillet, eine für Europa neue Fliegengattung (Milichiidae)
I. S. Winkler, Rung, A., Scheffer, S. J.2010Hennig's orphans revisited: testing morphological hypotheses in the 'Opomyzoidea' (Diptera: Schizophora)
P. J. M. Macquart1835Histoire naturelle des insectes. Diptères
F. V. Rojas, D. Lasserre, F., H. Arteaga, M.1987Histologia y morfologia del sistema reproductor en hembras de Rhagoletis conversa (Brethes) y de Rhagoletis nova (Schiner) (Diptera, Tephritidae)
J. M. Cumming, Sinclair, B. J., Wood, D. M.1995Homology and phylogenetic implications of male genitalia in Diptera - Eremoneura


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith