
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
B. Merz, Freidberg A.1994Nomenclatural changes in the Tephritidae (Diptera)
B. Merz19983.14. Family Pallopteridae
B. Merz, Sueyoshi M.2002Descriptions of new species of Pallopteridae (Diptera) from Taiwan, Korea and Japan, and notes on some other species from Eastern Asia
M. A. Metz, Thompson F. C.2001A revision of the larger species of Toxomerus (Diptera: Syrphidae) with description of a new species
F. E. S. Michelmore1928A fly milking an aphid
C. D. Michener1971Notes on Crabonine Wasp nests
F. Mihályi1965Rearing flies from faeces and meat, infected under natural condition
J. Mik1898Merkwürdige Beziehungen zwischen Desmometopa m-atrum aus Europa und Agromyza minutissima aus Neu Guinea
J. Mik1887Ueber Dipteren. I. Drei neue österreichische Dipteren
J. Mik1881Dipterologische Mittheilungen. I. Über einige Dipteren aus der Sammlung Dr. Emil Gobert's in Mont-de-Marsan
J. Mik1881Diptera, gesammelt von Hermann Krone auf den Auckland-Inseln bei Gelegenheit der deutschen Venus-Expedition in den Jahren 1874 und 1875
J. Mik1864Dipterologische Beiträge, I. Beschreibung neuer Arten
B. Mitra, Sharma, R. M., Parui, P.2005Inventory of the true flies (Diptera) of the Thar Desert
G. Estela Morales, Wolff M.2010Insects associated with the composting process of solid urban waste separated at the source
G. Morge1984Diptera Collectionis P. Gabriel Strobl - XIII (Typen-Designierung der Exemplare der sogenannten "Typensammlung")
G. Morge1976Beiträge zur Kenntnis von Typen-Exemplaren und wenig bekannten Dipteren-Arten - II
G. Morge1974Diptera Collectionis P. Gabriel Strobl - V ("Die Typensammlung")
J. C. Moser2006Complete excavation and mapping of a Texas leafcutting ant nest
J. C. Moser, Neff S. E.1971Pholeomyia comans (Diptera: Milichiidae) an associate of Atta texana: Larval anatomy and notes on biology
H. Mourier1977House flies
M. S. Mulla, Axelrod H.1977Attractancy of putrefied animal and plant proteins to the eye gnat Hippelates collusor (Diptera: Chloropidae)
L. Munari2010Canacidae and Australimyzidae (Diptera) collected by Danish Scientific Expeditions and by N. L. H. Krauss, with descriptions of four new species
L. Munari1999A new species of Tethina Haliday, 1837 from Israel (Diptera, Tethinidae)
L. Munari1999The Tethinidae of Crete: a faunal contribution, with descriptions of two new species (Diptera, Acalypratae)
L. Munari1997New records of Tethinidae (Diptera), with description of Tethina mariae sp. nov. from Marocco
L. Munari1996Osservazioni e riflessioni sulla biogeografia dei Tethinidae (Diptera) e su alcuni fenomeni microevolutivi nelle species di Tethina Haliday, 1838 del bacino del Mediterraneo
L. Munari1996Tethinidae (Diptera) in the Museum of Zoology, Lund University
L. Munari1994Contribution to the knowledge of Afrotropical Tethinidae. VII. New species and records, with a check-list of Afrotropical species (Diptera, Acalyptratae)
L. Munari1991Contributo alla conoscenza dei Tethinidae afrotropicali. V. Aggiornamenti sistematici e biogeografici
L. Munari1991Contribution to the knowledge of Afrotropical Tethinidae. VI. A new species of Afrotethina Munari, 1986 from Namibia, with a key to the species of the genus and new records of Tethinidae (Diptera) from the Afrotropical Region
L. Munari1990Contributo alla conoscenza dei Tethinidae afrotropicali. IV. Tethinidae raccolti ad Aldabra dalla "Aldabra Atoll Royal Society Expedition (1967-1968)" e nel Sud Africa da R.E. Turner e B. & P. Stuckenberg, con descrizione di due nuove specie (Dipt., Aca.)
L. Munari1988Contributo alla conoscenza dei Tethinidae afrotropicali. III. I Tethinidae dell' Archipelago delle Seychelles (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha)
L. Munari1986Contributo alla conoscenza dei Tethinidae afrotropicali. II. Considerazioni tassonomiche sulla sottofamiglia Horaismopterinae Sabr. e descrizione di un genere e due specie nuove (Diptera, Tethinidae)
L. Munari1980Tre nuove Tethina Haliday raccolte dal Prof. A. Giordani Soika in Asia minore e Senegal
L. Munari, Canzoneri S.1992Polimorfismo postabdominale e variabilità chetocromatica in Tethina (Tethina) albosetulosa (Strobl, 1900) con proposta di alcune nuove sinonimie e descrizione di Tethina (Tethina) inopinata sp. nov. (Diptera, Tethinidae)
L. Munari, Merz B.2003Contribution to the knowledge of the fauna and taxonomy of Mediterranean Beach Flies (Diptera, Tethinidae)
L. Munari19983.19. Family Tethinidae
L. Munari19983.19. Family Tethinidae
L. Munari1997Diptera Tethinidae
J. Máca1983Review of findings of the family Acartophthalmidae (Diptera) in Czechoslovakia
J. Müller1997Erste faunistische Daten über Carnus hemapterus von Ciconia ciconia
L. Nabaglo1973Participation of invertebrates in decomposition of rodent carcasses in forest ecosystems
A. Nagatomi1996An essay of phylogeny of the orthorhapous Brachycera (Diptera)
E. P. Nartshuk2003Key to families of Diptera (Insecta) of the fauna of Russian and adjacent countries [in Russian]
E. P. Nartshuk2001Two new species of Siphunculina Rondani from South Africa (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha, Chloropidae)
E. P. Nartshuk1997Comparative morphology of the internal reproductive system in Chloropid flies (Diptera, Chloropidae) and perspectives of use of the characters of its structures in systematics and phylogenetics [in Russian]
E. P. Nartshuk1993Relationships of Palaearctic and Nearctic faunas of Diptera (Chloropidae)
E. P. Nartshuk1984Classification of the superfamily Chloropoidea (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha)
E. P. Nartshuk1984Osnoviye napravlenija évoljucu i filogenija zlakovych much (Diptera, Chloropoidea). (Hauptrichtungen der Evolution und Phylogenese der Grasfliegen (Diptera, Chloropoidea))
E. P. Nartshuk, Krivokhatsky V. A.2001Bird nest's consortia: insects as components of nest ecosystems


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith