
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
J. F. McAlpine1981Morgea freidbergi new species, a living sister-species of the fossil species M. mcalpinei and a key to world genera of Pallopteridae (Diptera)
P. A. Adjidagba, Bay, D. E., Pitts, C. W.1985Morphogenesis of external features of the first stage larva of the stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae)
C. - C. Lee, Lin M. - J.1990Morphological studies of the rectal papillae
S. Wada1991Morphologische Indizien für das unmittelbare Schwestergruppenverhältnis der Schizophora mit den Syrphoidea ('Aschiza') in der phylogenetischen Systematik der Cyclorrhapha (Diptera: Brachycera)
N. D. Pandey, Agrawal N. S.1962Morphology and anatomy of Agromyza obtusa Mall. (Diptera: Agromyzidae)
S. P. Gaponov2003Morphology and evolution of flies’ eggs (Diptera) [in Russian]
R. Matsuda1965Morphology and evolution of the insect head
H. J. Teskey1981Morphology and terminology - larvae
G. Dodson1978Morphology of the reproductive system in Anastrapha suspensa (Loew) and notes on related species
R. A. I. Drew1969Morphology of the reproductive system of Strumeta tryoni (Frogatt) (Diptera: Trypetidae) with a method of distinguishing sexual mature adult males
M. Drees2004Nachweis von Phyllomyza longipalpis und Gymnochiromyia inermis (Diptera: Milichiidae et Chyromyidae) in Westfalen
F. Hendel1914Namensänderung (Dipt.)
N. P. Krivosheina1994Necrobiont flies and their significance to forensic entomology
A. Freidberg1994Nemula, a new genus of Neminidae (Diptera) from Madagascar
D. E. Hardy1975Neophyllomyza sp.? Possibly quadricornis Melander
R. Vaclav, Betáková, T., Švančarová, P., Pérez-Serrano, J., Criado-Fornelio, Á., Škorvanová, L., Valera, F.2016Nest ecology of blood parasites in the European roller and its ectoparasitic carnid fly
K. L. Wiebe2009Nest excavation does not reduce harmful effects of ectoparasitism: an experiment with a woodpecker, the northern flicker Colaptes auratus
J. A. Fargallo, Blanco, G., Potti, J., Vinuela, J.2001Nestbox provisioning in a rural population of Eurasian Kestrels: breeding performance, nest predation and parasitism
W. Hennig1967Neue Acalyptratae aus dem Baltischen Bernstein
F. Hendel1933Neue acalyptrate Musciden aus der paläarktischen Region (Dipt.)
P. G. Strobl1904Neue Beiträge zur Dipterenfauna der Balkanhalbinsel
C. Ernst1911Neue Beobachtungen an Ameisen
R. Frey1935Neue Diptera brachycera aus Finnland und angrenzenden Ländern III
R. Frey1946Neue Diptera brachycera aus Finnland und angrenzenden Ländern. IV
F. Hendel1924Neue europäische Phyllomyza-Arten (Dipt. Milichiidae)
F. Hendel1907Neue und interessante Dipteren aus dem kaiserlichen Museum in Wien
W. Hennig1971Neue Untersuchungen über die Familien der Diptera Schizophora
F. Hendel1931Neue ägyptische Dipteren aus der Gruppe der acalyptraten Musciden, gesammelt von Prof. Efflatoun Bey
W. Hennig1969Neue Übersicht über die aus dem Baltischen Bernstein bekannten Acalypteratae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha)
F. Hendel1919Neues über Milichiiden (Dipt.)
D. W. Coquillett1902New acalyptrate Diptera from North America
J. M. Aldrich1931New acalyptrate Diptera from the Pacific and Oriental Regions
J. Rohacek, Maca J.2010New and interesting records of Diptera (Asteiidae, Aulacigastridae, Milichiidae, Sphaeroceridae) from the Czech Republic
M. Carles-Tolrá1992New and interesting records of Diptera Acalyptrata from Spain. Part I: Acartophthalmidae, Opomyzidae, Anthomyzidae, Asteiidae, Carnidae, Tethinidae, Milichiidae and Cryptochetidae
J. Rohacek1985New and/or interesting records of Diptera Acalyptrata (Strongylophthalmyiidae, Megamerinidae, Chamaemyiidae, Trixoscelididae, Chyromyidae, Anthomyzidae, Asteidae, Milichiidae, Carnidae) from Czechoslovakia
P. G. Strobl1902New contributions on the dipterous fauna of the Balkan peninsula. [In Russian]
C. H. Curran1926New diptera from the West Indies
J. M. Aldrich1925New Diptera or two-winged flies in the United States National Museum
J. R. Malloch1913New North American Diptera
J. A. Downes, Smith S. M.1969New or little known feeding habits in Empididae (Diptera)
L. Papp2006New records of Diptera species from Hungary, with the list of the Hungarian Scathophagidae
S. Prescher, Bonet, J., von Tschirnhaus, M.2005New records of scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) from Iceland, with a survey of all simultaneously collected Dipteran families
E. Lindner, Freidberg A.1978New records of Stratiomyidae (Diptera) from the Near East with a key to the species of Israel, Sinai and the Golan
L. Munari1997New records of Tethinidae (Diptera), with description of Tethina mariae sp. nov. from Marocco
T. Zatwarnicki1996New records of Western Palaearctic shore flies (Diptera: Ephydridae)
C. W. Sabrosky1958New species and notes on North American acalyptrate Diptera
L. Papp1977New species and records of Hungarian Odiniidae, Milichiidae and Carnidae (Diptera)
L. Papp2013New species and records of Meoneura Rondani, 1856 from the old world tropics (Diptera, Carnidae)
L. Papp1981New species and taxonomical data of the palaearctic Lauxaniidae and Carnidae (Diptera)
M. Carles-Tolrá1992New species of Carnidae and Lauxaniidae (Diptera) from Spain


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith