
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
J. C. H. de Meijere1914Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren. IX
R. Frey1921Studien über den Bau des Mundes der niederen Diptera Schizophora nebst Bermerkungen über die Systematik dieser Dipterengruppen
O. Harnisch1925Studien zur Ökologie und Tiergeographie der Moore
M. Bezzi1918Studi sulla Ditterofauna nivale delle Alpi italiane
A. Lachmann1994Struktur und Evolution der Fortpflanzungsorgane und Fortpflanzungssysteme von fünf Coproica-Arten (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae)
A. Bairati1968Structure and ultrastructure of the male reproductive system in Drosophila melanogaster Meig
D. R. Evans, Mellon, Jr. D.1962Stimulation of a primary taste receptor by salts
I. Lopez-Rull, Gil, M., Gil, D.2007Spots in starling Sturnus unicolor eggs are good indicators of ectoparasite load by Carnus hemapterus (Diptera : Carnidae)
J. Schnabl1881Spis Owadów dwuskrzydlych (Diptera) zebranych w Królestwie Polskiem i Gubernii Minskiéj
R. T. Everly1940Spiders and insects found associated with sweet corn, with notes on the food and habits of some species
E. Séguy1932Spedizione scientifica all'oasi di Cufra (Marzo-Luglio 1931). Insectes diptères
C. F. Fallén1810Specim. entomolog. novam Diptera disponendi methodum exhibens
M. Chvála, Götze J.2004Species-group names of Diptera described by Gabriel Strobl
J. Zuska, Laštovka P.1969Species-composition of the dipterous fauna in various types of food-processing plants in Czechoslovakia
L. Papp1978Species of nine acalyptrate fly families from Tunisia
L. Papp1999Species of 22 Diptera families of the Aggtelek National Park
P. D. Cantino, Queiroz, K, de, Donoghue, M. J., Eriksson, T., Hillis, D. M., Lee, M. S. Y.1999Species names in phylogenetic nomenclature
P. G. Strobl1900Spanische Dipteren. VIII
P. G. Strobl1899Spanische Dipteren. VI. Theil
L. Czerny, Strobl P. G.1909Spanische Dipteren. III. Beitrag
P. G. Strobl1900Spanische Dipteren, IX
P. G. Strobl1906Spanische Dipteren II
J. E. Collin1930Some species of the genus Meoneura (Diptera)
J. C. Deeming1971Some species of Atherigona Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) from northern Nigeria with special reference to those injurious to cereal crops
E. S. Tucker1907Some results of desultory collecting of insects in Kansas and Colorado
L. W. Grensted1949Some records of Diptera in Anglesey, Derbyshire and Cheshire
M. G. Krivosheina, Zatwarnicki T.1997Some notes on the Old World Allotrichoma (Diptera: Ephydridae) with description of three new species
J. C. Deeming1981Some new African Milichiidae (Diptera: Cyclorrapha) having pronounced sexual dimorphism of the frons
O. H. Swezey1946Some miscellaneous diptera of Guam. Insects of Guam II
J. C. Deeming, Báez M.1985Some Milichiidae (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha) from the Canary Islands
L. Lyneborg1969Some Micropezidae, Psilidae, Platystomidae, Otitidae, Pallopteridae, Odiniidae, Aulacigasteridae, Asteiidae and Milichiidae collected in Southern Spain, with descriptions of six new species
D. K. McAlpine2002Some examples of reduced segmentation of the arista in Diptera-Cyclorrhapha, and some phylogenetic implications
M. Carles-Tolrá, C. Castro Pe2011Some dipterans collected on pig carcasses in Portugal (Diptera: Carnidae, Heleomyzidae, Lauxaniidae and Sphaeroceridae)
M. Carles-Tolrá2011Some dipterans collected in the Basque Country and Navarra (Spain) (Insecta: Diptera)
D. J. Lewis1958Some Diptera of medical interest in the Sudan Republic
F. R. Cole1912Some Diptera of Laguna Beach
J. C. Deeming1985Some Diptera from Bardsey
L. Papp1978Some cavernicolous Diptera of the Geneva Museum
G. F. Knowlton, Thomas W. L.1934Some Cache Valley Utah insects
G. L. Fowler1973Some aspects of the reproductive biology of Drosophila: sperm transfer, sperm storage and sperm utilization
C. W. Johnson1910Some additions to the Dipteran fauna of New England
A. L. Melander1913Some acalyptrate Muscidae
L. Papp2005Some acalyptrate flies (Diptera) from Taiwan
J. R. Malloch1933Some acalyptrate Diptera from the Marquesas Islands. Marquesan Insects - II
Á. Soós1964Sobarocephaloides discolor gen. nov., spec. nov., eine neue Clusiide aus Costa Rica, nebst einer Bestimmungstabelle der Gattungen der Familie Clusiidae
M. Zaka-ur-Rab1978Skeleto-muscular mechanism of the cephalo-pharyngeal skeleton of the mature larva of the melon fly, Dacus (Strumeta) cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera: Trypetidae)
T. A. Wheeler1994Sister group relationsships and the groundplan of the Chloropidae and Milichiidae
W. N. Mathis, Zatwarnicki T.2003Shore flies of the Republic of Seychelles (Diptera: Ephydridae)
W. N. Mathis1995Shore flies of the Galápagos Islands (Diptera: Ephydridae)
W. N. Mathis1997Shore Flies of the Belizean Cays (Diptera: Ephydridae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith