
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. H. Foote, Steyskal G. C.1987Chapter 66. Tephritidae
G. A. Foster197674. Family Tethinidae
A. Freidberg198810. Zoogeography of the Diptera of Israel
R. J. Gagné1981Chapter 16. Cecidomyiidae
F. Gregor1986Celad: Carnidae
F. Gregor1986Celad: Milichiidae
F. Gregor1987Carnidae
F. Gregor1987Milichiidae
G. C. D. Griffiths1991Hypopygial musculatur and its implications for homologies between Eremoneura and other Brachycera
P. H. Grimshaw1901Insecta. Order Diptera. (Except Tipulidae)
D. E. Hardy, Delfinado M. D.1980Family Milichiidae
D. E. Hardy1987Chapter 53. Pipunculidae
D. E. Hardy1981Chapter 13. Bibionidae
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F. Hendel193626. Ordnung der Pterygogenea (Dreißigste Ordnung der Insecta). Diptera oder Fliegen
F. Hendel1928Zweiflügler oder Diptera. II. Allgemeiner Teil
W. Hennig193760a. Milichiidae et Carnidae
A. L. Herrera1892Fauna cavernicola de Cacahuamilpa
A. M. Hutson1978Association with other animals and micro-organisms. Associations with vertebrates, their nests, roosts and burrows
M. T. James1981Chapter 34. Xylophagidae
M. T. James1981Chapter 35. Xylomyidae
M. T. James1981Chapter 36. Stratiomyidae
M. T. James, Turner W. J.1981Chapter 33. Rhagionidae
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O. A. Johannsen1928Order Diptera
C. W. Johnson1900Order Diptera
O. Karl1930XI,e2: Thalassobionte und thalassophile Diptera Brachycera
L. P. Kelsey1981Chapter 38. Scenopinidae
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P. A. Ler2004Key to the insects of Russian Far East. Vol. VI. Diptera and Siphonaptera. Pt 3
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T. C. Maa, Peterson B. V.1987Chapter 111. Hippoboscidae
J. R. Malloch1934Acalyptrata (concluded)
S. A. Marshall, Richards O. W.1987Chapter 93. Sphaeroceridae
W. N. Mathis19983.20. Family Canacidae
W. N. Mathis, Papp L.19983.24. Family Periscelididae
W. N. Mathis, Zatwarnicki T.19983.49. Family Ephydridae
J. F. McAlpine1989Phylogeny and classification of the Muscomorpha
J. F. McAlpine1987Chapter 55. Cypselosomatidae
J. F. McAlpine1987Chapter 62. Lonchaeidae
J. F. McAlpine1987Chapter 68. Pallopteridae
J. F. McAlpine1987Chapter 69. Piophilidae
J. F. McAlpine1987Chapter 71. Acartophthalmidae
J. F. McAlpine1987Chapter 72. Odiniidae
J. F. McAlpine1987Chapter 77. Periscelididae
J. F. McAlpine1987Chapter 91. Chyromyidae


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith