
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
N. L. H. Krauss1944Notes on insects and other arthropods from the islands of Molokai and Maui, Hawaii
N. L. H. Krauss1945Notes on some Hawaiian Insects
N. L. H. Krauss1963A milichiid fly (Milichiella lacteipennis)
N. L. H. Krauss1964Milichiella lacteipennis (Loew)
H. Kramer1917Die Musciden der Oberlausitz
H. Kramer1920Zwei neue deutsche Musciden
F. Kowarz1873Beitrag zur Dipteren-Fauna Ungarns
M. Kotrba1993Das Reproduktionssystem von Cyrtodiopsis whitei Curran (Diopsidae, Diptera) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der inneren weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane
C. A. Korytkowski1982La mosca minadora del arroz en el Peru, Hydrellia wirthi nueva especies (Diptera: Ephydridae)
V. A. Korneyev1999The first record of the family Carnidae (Diptera, Acalyptrata) from the Ukraine
R. Kontermann1980Haftorgane von Insekten
L. Knutson, Freidberg A.1983The Sciomyzidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae) of Israel, with notes on the distribution of the Near East species
G. F. Knowlton, Thomas W. L.1934Some Cache Valley Utah insects
G. F. Knowlton, Harmston F.1937Utah Diptera
F. Knab1915Commensalism in Desmometopa. (Diptera, Agromyzidae)
L. E. Klostermeyer, Anderson A. W.1976Anatomy, histology and post larval development of the reproductive system of the sugarbeet root maggot (Otitidae)
H. L. Klopping, Meade A. L.1971Molecular shape and size vs. attractancy to insects in some chemically unrelated compounds
C. E. Kirkpatrick, Colvin B. A.1989Ectoparasitic fly Carnus hemapterus in a nesting population of common barn-owls (Strigiformes: Tytonidae)
M. H. Kido, Asquith, A., Vargas, R. I.1996Nontarget insect attraction to methyl eugenol traps used in male annihilation of the oriental fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in riparian Hawaiian stream habitat
K. Kertesz1897Dipterologisches aus Neu-Guinea
K. Kertesz1899Verzeichnis einiger, von L. Biró in Neu-Guinea und am Malayischen Archipel gesammelten Dipteren
E. Kentner, Streit B.1990Temporal distribution and habitat preference of congeneric insect species found at rat carrion
E. Kentner1990Aasbesuchende Insekten (Coleoptera, Diptera) in verschiedenen Ökosystemen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung urbaner Räume
M. Kemal, Kocak A. Omer2010Observation on a klepto-parasitic species at Posof (NE Turkey) (Diptera, Milichiidae; Hymenoptera, Apidae; Aranea, Thomisidae)
L. P. Kelsey1981Scenopinidae (Diptera) of Palestine and the Sinai Peninsula
R. Keilbach1982Bibliographie und Liste der Arten tierischer Einschlüsse in fossilen Harzen sowie ihrer Aufbewahrungsorte. Teil 2
R. Keilbach1982Bibliographie und Liste der Arten tierischer Einschlüsse in fossilen Harzen sowie ihrer Aufbewahrungsorte. Teil 1
C. Kehlmaier1998Data-basis for a check-list of all known Diptera-species from the Azores Archipelago (Insecta: Diptera)
M. Kato, Hori K.1952Studies on the associative ecology of insects. VI. Larval association of flies during the summer in Sendai and its vicinity, Japan
O. Karl1936Die Fliegenfauna Pommerns. Diptera Brachycera
K. Kanmiya1983A systematic study of the Japanese Chloropidae (Diptera)
K. S. Kami, Miller S. E.1998Samoan insects and related arthropods: Checklist and bibliography
J. Kahanpää2014Checklist of the Diptera families Acartophthalmidae, Canacidae (including Tethinidae), Carnidae and Milichiidae of Finland (Insecta)
W. W. Judd1978Insects associated with flowering bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis L., at Fanshawe Lake, Ontario
D. S. Horning, Jr., Barr W. F.1970Insects of craters of the Moon National Monument Idaho
D. S. Horning, Jr.1998Auffällige Insekten aus Schleimflüssen Berliner Laubbäume
A. N. T. Joseph, Parui P.1980Filth inhabiting flies (Diptera) of Calcutta City
R. N. Champion-Jones1937XXIX. The giant wood spider
C. W. Johnson1895Diptera of Florida
C. W. Johnson1904A revised list of the Diptera of Bermuda
C. W. Johnson1904A supplementary list of the Diptera of New Jersey
C. W. Johnson1910Diptera of New Jersey
C. W. Johnson1910Some additions to the Dipteran fauna of New England
C. W. Johnson1913Insects of Florida. I. Diptera
C. W. Johnson1914The dipteran fauna of Bermuda
C. W. Johnson1919A revised list of the Diptera of Jamaica
C. W. Johnson1925Fauna of New England. 15. List of the Diptera or two-winged flies
C. W. Johnson1930A list of the insects fauna of Nantucket, Massachusetts
M. D. Johnson1975Seasonal and microseral variations in the insect populations on carrion
W. L. Jellison, Philip C. B.1933Faunae of nests of the magpie and crow in western Montana


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith