
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
M. Bezzi1922On the dipterous genera Passeromyia and Ornithomusca with notes and bibliography of the non pupiparous Myiodaria parasitic on birds
J. E. Collin1922XII. Description of a new genus and two new species of Cecidomyidae, and six new species of acalyptrate Muscidae (Ephydridae and Milichiidae)
F. Hendel1922Die paläarktischen Muscidae acalyptratae Girsch = Haplostomata Frey nach ihren Familien und Gattungen. I. Die Familien
L. Arnhart1923Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Braula coeca Nitzsch
J. F. Illingworth1923Insect fauna of hen manure
M. Lesne1923Faune entomologique des fosses d'aisances et des excreménts humaines
H. Schmitz1923Drei neue europäische Phyllomyza-Arten
R. Senior-White1923A note on pseudo-tracheal teeth in the 'eye-fly' (Siphunculina funicola, De Meijere)
G. N. Wolcott1923Insectae Portoricensis
D. Melin1923Contributions to the knowledge of the biology, metamorphosis and distribution of the Swedish asilids in relation to the whole family Asilidae
F. Hendel1924Neue europäische Phyllomyza-Arten (Dipt. Milichiidae)
J. R. Malloch1924Notes on Australian Diptera. No iii
E. Rabaud1924Le commensalisme de Desmometopa sordida Fallén
H. Schmitz1924Een nieuwe vlieg uit Zuid-Limburg
G. H. Hardy1924Australian Nemestrinidae (Diptera)
J. D. Alfken1924Die Insekten des Memmert. Zum Problem der Besiedlung einer neuentstehenden Insel
J. M. Aldrich1925New Diptera or two-winged flies in the United States National Museum
M. Bezzi1925Materiali per una fauna dell' Arcipelago Toscano. XVII. Ditteri del Giglio
F. R. Cole1925Notes on the Diptera of Laguna Beach California
I. D. Dobroschky1925External parasites of birds and the fauna of birds' nests
O. Harnisch1925Studien zur Ökologie und Tiergeographie der Moore
C. W. Johnson1925Fauna of New England. 15. List of the Diptera or two-winged flies
J. R. Malloch1925Notes on Australian Diptera. No. vi
A. H. Sturtevant1925The seminal receptacles and accessory glands of the Diptera, with special reference to the Acalypterae. [Part 1]
J. M. Aldrich1926Descriptions of new and little-known Diptera or two-winged flies
M. Bezzi, Lamb C. G.1926XXIII. Diptera (excluding Nematocera) from the Island of Rodriguez
E. H. Bryan1926Insects of Hawaii, Johnston Island and Wake Island
C. H. Curran1926New diptera from the West Indies
C. C. Gowdey1926Catalogus insectorum Jamaicensis. Order Diptera
H. C. Hallock, Parker L. B.1926Supplement to Smith's 1909 Diptera List
J. F. Illingworth1926Desmometopa m-nigrum (Zett.) [Note]
J. R. Malloch1926Notes on Australian Diptera. No. ix
A. H. Sturtevant1926The seminal receptacles and accessory glands of the Diptera, with special reference to the Acalypterae. [Part. 2]
O. H. Swezey1926Milichiella sp.(?) (Note)
V. N. Argo1927Braula coeca in den Vereinigten Staaten
H. Audcent1927Notes on the Diptera of Somerset
F. R. Cole1927A study of the terminal abdominal structures of male Diptera (two-winged flies)
C. H. Curran1927A new species of Mallochiella (Diptera: Milichiidae)
G. Enderlein1927Dipterologische Studien XIX
T. H. Frison1927A list of the insect types in the collections of the Illinois State Natural History Survey and the University of Illinois
J. R. Malloch1927Notes on Australian Diptera. No. x
W. L. McAtee1927Birds nests as insect and arachnid hibernacula
W. L. McAtee1927Notes on insect inhabitants of bird houses
J. M. Aldrich1928Notes on the synonymy of Diptera
C. H. Curran1928Insects of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Diptera or two-winged flies
J. F. Illingworth1928Insects collected in the pinapple growing section on the Island of Lanai, August, 1927
J. C. H. de Meijere1928Vierde supplement op de nieuwe naamlijst van Nederlandische Diptera
M. L. Mercier1928Contribution à l'étude de la perte de la faculté du vol chez Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch, microdiptère à ailes caduques
F. E. S. Michelmore1928A fly milking an aphid
C. W. Stiles, Hassall A.1928Key-catalogue of insects of importance in public health


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith