
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
G. C. Crampton1942The Diptera, or true flies of Connecticut. The external morphology of the Diptera
A. D. Imms1942On Braula coeca Nitzsch and its affinities
C. W. Sabrosky1942Madiza - a chloropid or a milichiid?
G. C. Steyskal1942A new species of Phyllomyza from Virginia (Diptera: Milichiidae)
J. E. Collin1943Note on Mr. Sabrosky's article on Madiza (Dipt.)
C. W. Sabrosky1943Further notes on Madiza (Diptera)
R. E. Snodgrass1943The feeding apparatus of biting and disease-carrying flies: a wartime contribution to medical entomology
G. C. Steyskal1943A new species of Pholeomyia, with a key to the North American species (Diptera, Milichiidae)
I. Trägårdh1943Die Milben und ihre ökologische Beziehung zu den Insekten
R. H. Zwaluwenburg1943The insects of Canton Island
H. A. Beatty1944The insects of St. Croix, V. I
L. W. Grensted1944Records of Diptera and other insects from Dinas Head, Pembrokeshire
N. L. H. Krauss1944Notes on insects and other arthropods from the islands of Molokai and Maui, Hawaii
R. Frey1945Tiergeographische Studien über die Dipterenfauna der Azoren. I. Verzeichnis der bisher von den Azoren bekannten Dipteren
D. T. Fullaway, Krauss N. L. H.1945Common insects of Hawaii
G. S. Kloet, Hincks W. D.1945A check list of British insects
N. L. H. Krauss1945Notes on some Hawaiian Insects
W. Büttiker1946Die Gefiederfliege Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch
R. Frey1946Neue Diptera brachycera aus Finnland und angrenzenden Ländern. IV
J. C. H. de Meijere1946Zevende Supplement op de Nieuwe Naamlijst van Nederlandsche Diptera van 1898 (Eerste Supplement op myne Naamlijst van 1939)
C. S. Ortiz1946Catalogo de los dipteros de Chile
W. Procter1946Part VII. The insect fauna with references to methods of capture, food plants, the flora and other biological features
E. H. Strickland1946An annotated list of the Diptera (flies) of Alberta. Additions and corrections
O. H. Swezey1946Some miscellaneous diptera of Guam. Insects of Guam II
L. Tiensuu1946Zur Fliegeneinwohnerschaft eines Ameisennestes
D. G. Denning, Pratt, J. J., Staebler, A. E., Wirth, W. W.1947A tabulation of insects recovered from aircraft entering the United States at Miami, Florida, during the period July 1943 through December 1944
W. Hennig1948Eine neue Art der Gattung Meoneura aus den Niederen Tauern
B. R. Laurence1948Observations on Microphorous crassipes Macquart (Diptera Empididae)
L. S. Zimin1948Key to the larvae of synanthropic flies of Tadzhikestan [in Russian]
A. Brauns1949In Deutschland und Schleswig-Holstein neuaufgefundene Zweiflüglerarten (Diptera)
J. E. Collin1949Results of the Armstrong College Expedition to Siwa Oasis (Libyan Desert), 1935, under the leadership of Prof. J. Omer-Cooper. Diptera Empididae, Dolichopodidae, Aschiza and Acalypterae
R. Frey1949Die Dipterenfauna der Insel Madeira
L. W. Grensted1949Some records of Diptera in Anglesey, Derbyshire and Cheshire
G. C. Steyskal1949The dipterous fauna of tree trunks
C. S. Brimley1950Family Milichiidae
W. Hennig1950Entomologische Beobachtungen an kleinen Wirbeltierleichen
E. Séguy1950Phoresie et role pathogene chez les insectes dipteres
E. Séguy1950La Biologie des Diptères
G. E. Bohart, Gressitt J. L.1951Filth-inhabiting flies of Guam
F. Gouin1951XV. L'appareil buccal de Braula coeca Nitzsch (Dipt. Cycl.) et la position systématique de cette espèce
G. Grandi1951Introduzione allo studio dell'entomologia, Vol. 1, Organizzazione-sviluppo-vita Apterigoti ed Esopterigoti
O. Ringdahl1951Flugor från Lapplands, Jämtlands och Härjedalens fjälltrakter (Diptera Brachycera)
A. A. Stackelberg1951Diptera
G. N. Wolcott1951Milichiidae. In: The insects of Puerto Rico. Diptera, two-winged flies
L. W. Grensted1952A few Cumberland records of Hymenoptera and Diptera
D. E. Hardy1952Additions and corrections to Bryan's check list of the Hawaiian Diptera
W. Hennig1952Bemerkenswerte neue Acalyptraten in der Sammlung des Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes (Diptera: Acalyptrata)
W. Hennig1952Die Larvenformen der Dipteren. 3. Teil
C. P. Hoyt1952The evolution of the mouthparts of adult Diptera
M. Kato, Hori K.1952Studies on the associative ecology of insects. VI. Larval association of flies during the summer in Sendai and its vicinity, Japan


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith