Meoneura atoma




Meoneura atoma

Unit Name 1: 
Unit Name 2: 
Papp, 1981
Page number: 
Type data: 
Austria. Tirol: Obergurgl (11.0 E, 46.9 N). HT ♂ HNHM


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Taxon Description

Meoneura atoma Papp, 1981


In Greece two specimens were collected in June in a yellow pan at 1600 m.

In the Netherlands M. atoma was collected from the end of April to middle of August in window and Malaise traps.

Diagnostic Description

1 dc; halter knob yellowish white, stalk dark brown; body and legs completely black except for linear anterior margin of frons.


The Greek male has two setulae on the small lamella in contrast to only one in the type material and three in M. carpathica.


Countries map

Meoneura atoma, distribution map



The Carnidae from 'De Kaaistoep', The Netherlands


The Carnidae fauna of the Netherlands is quite well known due to early collectors like De Meijere and currently activ collectors like Jan Willem van Zuijlen. In the checklist for the Netherlands (Beuk 2002) five species are listed: Carnus hemapterus, Meoneura flavifacies, M. lacteipennis, M. obscurella, and M. vagans. The only recent paper on the carnid fauna of the Netherlands is by Brake (1996).

Carnidae of the Lake Kerkini region in Greece


The Carnidae fauna of Greece is poorly known, with only Meoneura graeca Hennig, 1972, M. obscurella Fallén, 1823, M. prima Becker 1905, and ?M. vagans Fallén, 1823 recorded (Strobl, 1902, Hennig 1937 & 1972, Sabrosky 1959, Papp, 1984). However, thanks to the efforts of Gordon Ramel, who maintained several Malaise as well as other traps near Lake Kerkini in northern Greece, close to the border to Bulgaria, this has now changed.


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Institution/Collection/Catalogue Taxonomic name Basis of record Catalogue number text Collection code Collector Collector number Count Date identified Date identified Date identified Earliest date collected Field notes Field number Genbank number Identification qualifier/modifier Identified by Institution code Latest date collected Life stage Other cataloguenum Remarks Sex Type status Continent/BodyOfWater Coordinate uncertainty in meters County Geodetic Datum Georeference Protocol Georeference remarks Island Island group Maximum depth in meters Maximum elevation in meters Minimum depth in meters Minimum elevation in meters State province Verbatim Coordinate System
IBC IBC 3219595 Meoneura atoma Preserved Specimen 3219595 IBC Ramel, G. 1 2009 0 0 2008-06-17 Brake, I. IBC adult 2323492_5262089 Female Nontype on label Army Camp is yet another abandoned set of Army buildings on Kerkini Mts, at 1,600 ms, a south facing slope, at least the part we traped on, although it is the peak at that part of the mountains, it is above the treeline. Asociated village Neo Petritsi or 0 0 0 0 Thessalonìki
IBC IBC 3219596 Meoneura atoma Preserved Specimen 3219596 IBC Ramel, G. 1 2009 0 0 2008-06-17 Brake, I. IBC adult 2323492_5262089 Male Nontype on label Army Camp is yet another abandoned set of Army buildings on Kerkini Mts, at 1,600 ms, a south facing slope, at least the part we traped on, although it is the peak at that part of the mountains, it is above the treeline. Asociated village Neo Petritsi or 0 0 0 0 Thessalonìki
VZP IBC 3219416 Meoneura atoma Preserved Specimen 3219416 IBC 1 2010 0 0 2002-04-26 Brake, I. VZP 2002-05-03 adult 2323479_5262046 Male Nontype NGA Geonet names 0 0 0 0 Noord-Brabant
VZP IBC 3220034 Meoneura atoma Preserved Specimen 3220034 IBC Ins. W.G.KNNV-Tilburg 1 2000 0 0 1998-05-23 I. Brake VZP 1998-05-30 adult Female Nontype Europe UTM FT 398124 0 0 0 0 Noord-Brabant
VZP IBC 3220073 Meoneura atoma Preserved Specimen 3220073 IBC Ins. W.G.KNNV-Tilburg 1 2000 0 0 1998-06-27 I. Brake VZP 1998-07-04 adult Male Nontype Europe UTM FT 398124 0 0 0 0 Noord-Brabant
VZP IBC 3220096 Meoneura atoma Preserved Specimen 3220096 IBC Ins. W.G.KNNV-Tilburg 1 2000 0 0 1998-08-15 I. Brake VZP 1998-08-22 adult Male Nontype Europe UTM FT 398124 0 0 0 0 Noord-Brabant
VZP IBC 3220065 Meoneura atoma Preserved Specimen 3220065 IBC Ins. W.G.KNNV-Tilburg 2 2000 0 0 1998-06-20 I. Brake VZP 1998-06-27 adult Female Nontype Europe UTM FT 398124 0 0 0 0 Noord-Brabant

Phylogenetic tree

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Authors & Sources

Citation created: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 16:42:26 +0100

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